Kirby Wiki
KPR Susie artwork This article is about the transformation in Kirby's Epic Yarn. For the power-up in the City Trial mode of Kirby Air Ride, see Patch#Weight_Patch.

Weight (also called 2 Ton Kirby) is a Transformation that both Kirby and Prince Fluff can take on in the game Kirby's Epic Yarn and Kirby's Extra Epic Yarn. The two can transform into this form while pressing Also works on the 3DS in Kirby's Extra Epic Yarn in mid-air. In some ways, it has a similarity to the Stone Copy Ability in appearance and in form of attack.

Physical Appearance[]

Kirby becomes a pink weight with a red handle while Prince Fluff becomes a blue weight with an orange handle. Their mouths vanish in this form.


While in this form, Kirby and Prince Fluff can break solid orange blocks that usually couldn't be removed using the Yarn Whip, but not denim blocks. They can also defeat most enemies with this form if used correctly. Kirby and the Prince carry yarn balls on their handles if they were carrying one before entering this form.


  • Using the move in the Mysterious UFO in Space Land reveals that it weakens in weak gravity such that it cannot break blocks.