This is a disambiguation page | |
It distinguishes between subjects with similar names. |
Volcano may refer to...
Levels, Stages, and Locations[]
- Volatile Volcano, the second stage of Omarine Zone in Kirby: Canvas Curse
- Vocal Volcano, the fifth level in Kirby: Squeak Squad
- Volcano Valley, the fourth level in Kirby Mass Attack
- Haldera Volcano, the stage in Kirby Fighters Deluxe and Kirby Fighters 2
- Red Volcano, the sixth level in Kirby and the Rainbow Curse
- Volcanic Panic, the third stage of Red Volcano in Kirby and the Rainbow Curse
- Volcano, the fourth level in Team Kirby Clash Deluxe and Super Kirby Clash
- Booma-Dooma Volcano, the location in Kirby: Right Back at Ya!
Copy Abilities[]
- Burning Stone, the Power Combo that is also called "Volcano"
- Volcano Fire, the first Evolved Copy Ability for Fire in Kirby and the Forgotten Land