Kirby Wiki

Skelly11 Skelly11 3 January 2014

Tables on the Wiki

Since I've been seeing a lot of "favorite/disliked things in Kirby" lists (aka "tables") on people's profiles, and because I've been beginning to learn how to make these myself, for everyone's convenience, I've made a free base for these lists! There are 9 rows for the most common likes/dislikes. So, here's how it works

  1. Go to the URL
  2. Click on 'Edit' and then click 'Visual' (if you are not already there), and just add to the base by typing in each row you'd like the object to be, and adding it under either category, depending on if it's your favorite this or that. Say what it is by adding it next to the object, for example, Copy Ability: Sword. Here's an example to make it sound a lot more s…
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