9th March 2012 - Blog update
So, here we are, a quarter through the year and what a time it is in the past few months. I don't write blogs unless there's something worthwhile to say, and I believe we could use a little summary on the goings on.
For one we got a double Kirby release in 2011; That stirred up lots of activity and interest both in Kirby and on the Wiki. Oh, and then there's the re-showing of abuot half the episodes of the anime on the Wii channel for most of Europe. We got a lot of new registered users (and everything that comes with them) during that time, even some retired members came back for a while, so those are fun times.
Several months after, much of the hubris had understandably died down (since articles' frameworks have mostly been completed anywa…
Skin Change
Users familiar with the site would have noticed a significant change in site layout over the last two months, however, on 26 April 2011, the site has had the largest revamp in general look and feel yet. This is not a sudden decision, and I've been working on it for a few weeks over here, and the change has been applied following positive and constructive comments by active members of the community. Application of the new skin is such that aesthetics, editing and navigational functionalities should be much improved, but it can and will be reversed if community consensus is negative.
This outlines all the major changes from what users are familiar to. The column on the left is the new layout, the column on the right is the familiar one.