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one-gender species[]

if they are a species,then a one-gender species in a kirby game?.....oh,wait,fairires in kirby 64. or are the people of the sky just a group of characters of a species that is not a one-gender species?

i am pikapika200 (talk) 21:27, August 7, 2018 (UTC)

Just because we don't see the other gender of the species doesn't mean they don't exist. Meta Kirby52 Return of the Riderz Revenge. This won't be pretty. 01:16, August 8, 2018 (UTC)

RileyGronlundSuperMario message[]

I think each one should have a separate personality and name.  Also, in my opinion, "People of the Sky" is more of what the primary ones are.  "Floralian" should refer to the species.

Pink:  Rosada (Motherly figure)

Orange/Yellow:  Naranjada (Immature, can play pranks)

Blue:  Azula (Slow to anger, which quickly passes)

White:  Blanca (Paranoid)

Purple:  Purpura (Tends to lurk inside her own head; who knows what she is thinking?  Genius.)

Red:  Roja or Rossa (Can snap, tomboy.)

There should also be a Green one who is their ruler.  Her name is Verdea, and she is the strongest-willed Floralian.

Also, certain secondary ones should also be named.  One can be named Dawn, and her personality is similar to a diligent girl, and she is thankful and upbeat.  Also, in my headcannon, one Sprixie (Super Mario 3D World) is a tomboy and her mentor is a Floralian who is often driven up the wall by that Sprixie's behaviour.  (The Sprixie's name is Natalie, and she refuses to wear a dress, preferring a shirt and pants.  She also plays with the boys.)RileyGronlundSuperMario (talk) 09:10, February 12, 2019 (UTC)

Mr./Miss RileyGronlundSuperMario, I don't think this is necessary, as each of them don't have a offical name.Void Termina the Destroyer (talk) 09:53, February 12, 2019 (UTC)