Kirby Wiki
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Strike Box is a large enemy in the Kirby series, debuting in Kirby's Return to Dream Land. It cannot be inhaled, but its projectiles yield Ice.

Physical Appearance[]

Strike Box is a boxlike device decorated with cracks and a big star pattern. It contains a cylinderical pillar with a platform built into the top of its "head". This part of Strike Box is designed to resemble an owl: it sports two large, red eyes; a small, pointed piece resembling a beak; triangle patterns resembling feathers; and two slats resembling wings. These slats bear a flashing star design each. They can move to reveal a hole which acts as an ice shooter.

Big Strike Boxes bear slightly more detailed decoration. Their platforms are checkered and their slats sport two star patterns each.


Kirby's Return to Dream Land and Kirby's Return to Dream Land Deluxe[]

Strike Box appears in Stage 2 of White Wafers and Stage 4 of Nutty Noon. Between two and five of them are found together. One of the boxes shakes before extending its head upward. If it is undisturbed, it reenters its box. However, if the player approaches, it turns its head and shoots an icy sphere before promptly returning to its box.

Strike Boxes are immune to all normal Copy Abilities, but can be destroyed by the Grand Hammer Super Ability. Attacking a Strike Box when its head is out is the only way to defeat it. When defeated, its eyes flash before it and other nearby Strike Boxes explode; it drops food and stars upon its destruction.

One of the three big Strike Boxes at the end of the Stage 2 of White Wafers hides a dimensional rift that leads to Another Dimension. Grand Hammer's most powerful attack, Super Hammer Plus, can destroy them in one hit; lesser Grand Hammer strikes push the giant Strike Box downward slightly and leave it stunned, allowing Kirby to further pound it into the box.


  • Strike Box's movement and attack strategy are vaguely similar to Mahall's from Kirby 64: The Crystal Shards. Both enemies emerge from the ground suddenly, spit a round projectile at Kirby, then retreat downward.


