Kirby Wiki

This sticky-tongued monster will try to lick just about anything!
— Cast Description • Kirby's Epic Yarn

Slobbas are enemies in the Kirby series, debuting in Kirby's Epic Yarn.

Physical Appearance[]

Slobbas are giant, green, frog-like creatures. They have yellow and orange button eyes and two green eyelashes on each eye.


Kirby's Epic Yarn and Kirby's Extra Epic Yarn[]

Slobbas are rare enemies, only appearing in the levels Cool Cave and Mushroom Run. The enemy attacks by eating up and spitting out Kirby or Prince Fluff, but not before licking its lips beforehand, which is a sign it is about to attack. Slobbas are immune to the Yarn Whip, but can be defeated by either throwing enemies at them or transforming into Weight form above them.


Slobba is likely a corruption of "slobber," referring to Slobba's habit of licking its lips and eating everything it can.


  • Its behavior (as told in the cast description for Kirby's Epic Yarn) is similar to that of Lickitung, a Pokémon. Lickitung will lick any new objects it comes across to determine if it likes them or not. Similarly, Slobba also will lick anything.

