Kirby Wiki

Skullseer is a mid-boss in Kirby Mass Attack. He is the leader of the Skullies that were created by Necrodeus. Skullseer appears in Stage 5 of Volcano Valley, where he can only be fought if the Kirbys use the key they obtained earlier to unlock the door near the end of the level.


Skullseer resembles a giant Skully with large horns, glowing red eyes, and fangs. Its name comes from the words skull and seer.

Defeating Skullseer

Phase 1 & 2

In the first phase of the battle, Skullseer will send out some Skullies to attack the Kirbys. The Kirbys have to defeat them all. This prompts Skullseer to descend downward and fly around. The Kirbys then must attack by climbing on top of him, in the same manner that they attacked the Skullies.

Phase 3

In the final phase of the battle, Skullseer will join the Skullies and try to snatch up a Kirby. If he is not rescued in time, Skullseer will take him away and instantly KO him, at which point the Kirby can't be rescued. After he's defeated, Skullseer will disintegrate and give up a medal.

See Also

