Kirby Wiki

Sasuke is a monster hired by King Dedede to fight Kirby during a fireworks festival in Cappy Town. Sasuke is an expert with firearms and explosives and fights Kirby with a giant mech resembling King Dedede which shoots fireworks. He also carries a machine pistol. Kirby and Sasuke have their final battle on a giant rocket aimed for space. He is destroyed When Kirby inhales him to get his parasol ability. When the fireworks goes off, Kirby floats safely to the ground using his parasol.

Physical Appearance

Sasuke is a short and squat foe with a dark red, spherical body and big eyes with purple pupils. He has small round hands and wears a triangular straw hat. In the episode, he pilots a giant robot of dedede.

As an enemy in Kirby's Dream Land 3, Sasuke has smaller eyes and is noticeably more orange. Sasuke has no hands in this minor appearance, yet has a small mouth.

In the Games

Kirby's Dream Land 3


his early design

This was Sasuke's first appearance. He would float down using his umbrella-like hat and then walk in place after landing. Like his anime incarnation, Sasuke gives the Parasol ability in this game.
