Kirby Wiki
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There is no official information available about its title, so it has been given a fitting one.

Note is a minor Transformation that both Kirby and Prince Fluff can take on in the game Kirby's Epic Yarn and Kirby's Extra Epic Yarn. They automatically take on this form when exiting brass instruments in Snake form in the level Melody Town. The opportunities to transform are rare, and this makes the Note form one of the most uncommon basic transformations in the game, next to the Sleigh.

Physical Appearance[]

Kirby becomes a pink and red note while Prince Fluff becomes a blue and orange note.


Kirby and Prince Fluff can only enter musical staffs while in this form, and the player can move them up and down as they travel through a musical staff to collect Beads. If all the Beads are collected in one try, a Star Bead appears at the end of the staff.


  • Real notes have their "flag" on the right.