Kirby Wiki
Bio Spark Star Allies This article's title is derived from Japanese (Edit | Similar)
...because it was never localized to English in official sources.

Nametsumuri is a character that appears in Kirby's Dream Land 3. It appears in the fourth stage of Iceberg. Nametsumuri wants Kirby to get its lost shell back. Kirby needs both Coo and ChuChu with the Burning ability to get to the shell. If Kirby obtains the shell, he will be rewarded with a Heart Star at the end of the stage.

Physical Appearance[]

Nametsumuri is a brown-ish gastropod with an orange shell that has a pink swirl.


Its Japanese name is a portmanteau of the Japanese word for slug, なめくじ/蛞蝓 (namekuji); and the Japanese word for snail, カタツムリ/かたつむり/蝸牛 (katatsumuri). It is sometimes called ナメ (Name) or ナメちゃん (Name-chan) instead of ナメツムリ (Nametsumuri), implying it may specifically be a slug instead of a snail (although masquerading as one), although this shortening could just be a nickname.


