Kirby Wiki
KPR Susie artwork This article is about the creatures utilized by Nightmare Enterprises. It is not to be confused with Enemy.
Cannon DAuJLJbVYAER17h This article contains information that does not coincide with the main series canon. (Similar)

As you know, we offer a full line of powerful monsters.
— N.M.E. Sales Guy • Kirby: Right Back at Ya!

Monsters refer to the creatures utilized by Nightmare Enterprises in Kirby: Right Back at Ya!.


These creatures are sold by eNeMeE for a very heavy profit. King Dedede often buys these monsters in an attempt to defeat Kirby, but in almost all cases Kirby is able to counter the monster's attacks and destroy them, much to the dismay of Dedede. Most are sent to him through the Monster Transmitter in Dedede's Throne Room, but Heavy Lobster was sent through a capsule, and Kracko had to be transported by air, in both cases due to their massive size.

While most of the monsters are created by eNeMeE, a handful of them, such as Lovely or Crowemon are simply denizens of Dream Land, which he brainwashes into violent creatures. Most of the monsters were created specifically for the anime, but some monsters like the Ice Dragon or Fire Lion originated from the games. As of now, with the exception of Phan Phan and some others, none of the monsters created for the anime have appeared in any of the Kirby games. 

It is revealed later in the series that monsters do not start out as evil and violent creatures, as shown with Phan Phan being nice. After being created, they go through a rigorous training program which corrupts their mind and makes them evil. In Kirby's Duel Role, Kabu explains that eNeMeE made a mistake and created one which would not obey him, and that he feared for his life afterwards. Tiff then suggests that it might have been Kirby, and Tuff observes eNeMeE's eagerness to sell monsters to Dedede in order to get rid of him. However, no other event in the rest of the series confirms or denies this possibility.

Even though monsters appear to take commands from their clients at first, it is implied that they eventually turn on the customers and will try to attack them.

Unnamed Monsters[]

As monsters come in all sorts of shapes and sizes, certain types are not named in the show and are unknown even to the games. For example, the second Japanese opening included white, gust-like ghostly spirits with malicious faces that did not appear in any anime episode. The spirit monsters only appeared when they are released from a present to King Dedede after he and Escargoon open it, and Kirby simply defeats them by inhaling them all.


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Eight of the mini-monsters seen with the N.M.E. Sales Guy in A Blockbuster Battle.

Miniature monsters were the first group of unnamed monsters to be introduced in the show. They are small monsters that like to cause trouble for anywhere they go. There are ten different mini-monsters - axes, brooms, cows, cyclopes, four-armed boxers, raccoons, radishes, witch-hatted monsters, wood pieces, and wrench-armed robots. They had a small appearance in the beginning of Episode 2, A Blockbuster Battle, and returned to have a large role in Episode 40, Monster Management, where Knuckle Joe supplied Cappy Town with multitudes of them and let Kirby tire himself out sucking them all up before downloading Masher.

Some mini-monsters somewhat resemble enemies in the Kirby games, with the wrench-armed robots resembling Gigant Edge and Blade, and the axe monsters resembling Hack.

Chess Monsters[]

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eNeMeE places several chess monsters within his lair as Kabu describes his empire in Kirby's Duel Role.

Chess monsters appeared in Episode 3, Kirby's Duel Role during a flashback Kabu produced to the time when eNeMeE created a monster that would not obey his orders while explaining to Tiff and Tuff about eNeMeE himself. Chess monsters were absent for the rest of the anime series up until the final episode, Fright to the Finish where several of them were seen in eNeMeE's lair, except these were much larger and different in appearance than the ones in the third episode.

Monster Soldiers[]


Four monster soldiers appearing alongside the N.M.E. Sales Guy in Abusement Park.

Various kaiju-esque monster soldiers probably comprise the bulk of eNeMeE Enterprises' forces. They are notable for often being seen in flashbacks to Meta Knight's past. Their first appearance was in Episode 4, Dark and Stormy Knight, where they, of course, were seen in Meta Knight's flashback of his past. Their first real appearance was in Episode 31, Abusement Park, where they waited for Kirby to be uploaded to their homebase only to be easily destroyed by Mike Kirby.

There are thirteen different kinds of monster soldiers - green gem-wearing purple lobsters, centipedes, ammonites, spiked armadillos, bears, silver dragons, single-horned walruses, footed seahorses, single-eyed pterodactyls, boxing glove-wearing wolves, spiked spider-like crabs, red dragons, and brown wyverns. Some of the aforementioned kinds can come in different color hues, as shown in multiple episode appearances whether they be in flashbacks or not, and many other kinds of monster soldiers exist as well, but there appear to be too many different kinds to count, and most of those kinds are different species and colors of dragons as well. The last appearance of these monsters was in Episode 65, Masher 2.0, where they were helpers of Masher 2.0 while Masher was in a battle against Knuckle Joe on his home planet, and Knuckle Joe destroyed all of them.

In Meta Knight's flashback in Dark and Stormy Knight, it is revealed that monster soldiers have special abilities just like the ones that Kirby mainly battles. The centipedes can spit bolts of electricity from their mouths, the ammonites are able to cause shock waves from their tentacles, and the armadillos are capable of breathing fire.

Monster soldiers seem to be based on different kinds of prominent kaijuu, especially ones appearing in live-action movies and TV shows, including Godzilla, Magma from Gorath, and Gyaos from the Gamera series, as well as other kaijuu.

Named Monsters[]

Monsters in Pilot only[]

Gallery (unnamed monsters)[]

Gallery (named monsters)[]



The dragon appearing in one of King Dedede's monster movies in Fitness Fiend that looks strikingly like one of the silver dragon-like monster soldiers.

  • A few references to monsters outside the anime can be found in certain Kirby games.
  • Some monster soldiers have had their colors change as they appeared throughout the anime.
    • The silver dragon monster soldiers were initially depicted as having yellow eyes. Their eyes were later changed to red.
    • The walrus-like monsters were originally depicted as beige with light brown feet and light turquoise horns. They were changed to yellow with yellow feet and light orange horns and later to light brown with gray feet and light grayish red horns.
    • The cycloptic pterodactyl-like monsters were originally depicted as yellow with white sclerae and yellow irises. They were later changed to green with yellow sclerae and feet and purple irises with the insides of their wings being gray, then purple with what appears to be white sclerae and an unknown color for their irises (which appears to be black or a dark shade of purple) and the insides of their wings appearing to be orange, and finally brown with yellow sclerae, green irises, orange feet, and the insides of their wings being yellow.
    • The seahorse-like monsters were originally depicted as yellow with brown stripes, yellow feet, and yellow eyes. Their own color scheme was later changed to green with brown feet, yellow stripes, and purple eyes (despite once having yellow eyes at one point in Abusement Park).
    • The armadillo-like monsters were originally depicted as dark gray with purple eyes, beige ears and spikes, yellow claws, light gray underbellies, orange gemstones, and light beige noses. They were later changed to green with light blue ears, spikes, and claws, red eyes, and what appears to be blue gemstones and green noses, and later to yellow with pink underbellies, dark brown feet, lavender claws, silver spikes, black noses, and turquoise eyes and gemstones. If one takes time to notice in Meta Knight's first flashback, they could see white and light purple armadillos with light grayish green claws and spikes.
  • When Meta Knight and Knuckle Joe's father bisected several monster soldiers in the former's flashback in Here Comes the Son, some of them were shown to bleed, and yet when Kirby cleaved several monsters using the Sword, Cutter, or Mirror abilities, they didn't lose blood but instead often showed static before exploding. Perhaps it may be because most of the monsters in the present didn't appear to be created with as much malice as the monsters in Meta Knight's past.
  • A dragon appearing in one of the monster movies that King Dedede was watching in the first few minutes of Fitness Fiend strikingly resembles one of the monster soldiers, most notably the silver dragons (one of whose head was being stood on by Yamikage). A few notable differences to differentiate this dragon from said dragons are that this dragon's body is colored a slight shade of dark purple, its underbelly is light blue, its spikes are white, its wings are smaller with insides the same color as its body and only having one talon, and its red eyes slightly resemble those of Tornadon and have pupils unlike those owned by said dragons.