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Those who wear the Master Crown will gain power, but so will the darkness in their hearts. Thanks to the red fruit, it's become a wrathful wreath—a destroyer called the tree crown without a ruler!
— VS Master Crown • Kirby's Return to Dream Land Deluxe

The Master Crown is a malevolent item and villain in the Kirby series, debuting in Kirby's Return to Dream Land.

Physical Appearance[]

The Master Crown is known to change its overall shape throughout the course of the game. It comes in five forms:

  • When atop Landia's head, it resembled a typical crown with spikes extending from its base and green jewel. When Landia splits, the crown shrank significatively with now less spikes on its base. When the crown corrupts Landia into Landia EX, it grew larger and spikier, with blue gems around it and the jewel in its front turning pink.
  • When Magolor first tried it on, it morphed into a larger crown, wherein the base spikes resembled dragon claws and the jewel spikes weren't present. When Magolor transforms into Magolor EX, the jewel on the crown turns pink instead of its original green color but is otherwise unchanged.
  • When Magolor transformed again, the crown grew and wrapped around parts of his body; the claws remained intact, but the top of the crown changed, no longer resembling a typical crown, as it instead featured four protruding structures and some of it grew out and formed Magolor's wings.
  • When worn by Magolor Soul, the crown turned white with two additional spikes extending from the side, two curled spikes extending from the back, and black spikes protruding from many parts of the crown. The jewel also changed color, bearing red, pink, and orange shades.
  • Upon possessing the Gem Apple Seed to gain a physical form, the Master Crown transforms it into a monstrous gem Apple tree with gold trimmings, pointed "ears", and a single yellow eye that has an orange iris, resembling Void Termina's weak points, upon its trunk, and is surrounded by gem apple shards. It has two large branches with green, dark purple, and sky blue leaves that resemble the wings seen on Magolor's final form and allow it to fly despite its considerable size. Its canopy vaguely resembles the magic runes that Magolor uses. The tree possesses an array of drill-like roots that it can use to attack, and the Master Crown itself is entwined across the entire trunk of the tree. Its tendrils form part of the tree's "arms" and "wings".
    • After the Master Crown is destroyed, Magolor escapes his interdimensional banishment with the recovered Gem Apple Seed and plants it prior to the events of Team Kirby Clash Deluxe and Super Kirby Clash. The sapling that results, and the Tree afterwards, has a golden intertwinement, which may suggest a remnant of the Crown's influence remained within the Seed and is growing along with the Tree.


Kirby's Return to Dream Land and Kirby's Return to Dream Land Deluxe[]

The Master Crown is first seen when Kirby, Magolor, and co. entered Halcandra via the Lor Starcutter, resting atop Landia's head and remaining dormant until the battle against Landia. After Landia's defeat, the Master Crown falls from its spot onto the ground, only to be seized by Magolor. The crown transforms Magolor into his traitor form and he then reveals that he fought Landia himself for the crown, but he lost, later fleeing to planet Planet Popstar; this is likely why Landia attacked the Lor Starcutter on sight when he returned to Halcandra. Magolor then makes his move to conquer the entire universe, starting with Popstar.

When Magolor is defeated, the Master Crown manifests itself as him. In Story Mode and The Arena, this entity is Magolor's final form; in Extra Mode and The True Arena, however, Magolor Soul is manifested. After defeating this entity, the Master Crown shatters, releasing its grip on Magolor. Its shards are last seen being sent to the furthest depths of Another Dimension alongside Magolor's unconscious body.

The Master Crown itself is revealed to be sentient, serving as the final boss of Magolor Epilogue: The Interdimensional Traveler, after it survived its battle with Kirby, Meta Knight, King Dedede, and Bandana Waddle Dee despite being shattered. The shards of the crown merge with the essence of Grand Doomer to form Crowned Doomer, devouring the Gem Apple Seed in the process. When Crowned Doomer is defeated, the Crown's shards then possess the seed itself, turning into a giant Gem Apple tree and changing the whole reality into a large collapsing city. After its defeat, Magolor manages to slice the tree in half using a sword that he transforms into the Ultra Sword, putting an end to the Master Crown once and for all. The pause menu text for the True Arena version of Magolor Soul reveals that the unlimited power of the Master Crown comes at the expense of the user's soul, which the evil artifact consumes.

The Master Crown is also fought as the penultimate boss of The True Arena. In this battle, the Master Crown simply falls in the background following its defeat and then explodes, omitting the Ultra Sword portion of the battle.


The Master Crown's primary method of attack is to open a portal underneath itself, sending up two of its roots through it at a time to stab Magolor. The root (or roots) remains embedded in the ground for a short time, allowing Magolor to counterattack it, which is the best way to do so as the crown mainly stays in the background for most of the fight. It can drop large Gem Apple Bombs which explode violently if they are not destroyed, shoot leaves from its wings when in the background, and fire a laser from its eye that sweeps across the ground, producing a fiery explosion that must be hovered over. It can also use a vine attack similar to Marx.

At half health, the Master Crown opens its second phase with its ultimate attack: an array of eye lasers that sweeps across the battlefield. It now summons Doomers to support it, produces giant Gem Apple Bombs that make even bigger explosions if not eliminated, fires more leaf projectiles at once, and can project up to three roots at a time. It can also crash directly into the arena, dealing heavy damage if it hits Magolor but also leaving it vulnerable to attack before teleporting back to the background.

Kirby: Planet Robobot[]

Cannon DAuJLJbVYAER17h This section contains information that does not coincide with the main series canon.

In the Team Kirby Clash sub-game, Landia, who serves as the opponent in Quests 5 and EX, wears the Master Crown in both quests.

Team Kirby Clash Deluxe and Super Kirby Clash[]

The Master Crown is also present in the standalone games Team Kirby Clash Deluxe and Super Kirby Clash, resting atop one of Landia's, Landia EX's, and Parallel Landia's heads. When worn by Parallel Landia, the crown becomes black with a red gemstone.

Additionally, the Gem Apple Tree's golden swirl shows that a remnant of the Master Crown's influence has remained within the Gem Apple Seed.

Kirby Star Allies[]

VoidTermina Master Crown

Void Termina summons a replica of the Master Crown to attack Marx.

While the Master Crown itself does not physically appear in Kirby Star Allies, Void Termina uses multiple similar devices in the various battles against him. He can create two swords almost identical to the Ultra Sword used by both Kirby and Magolor, with a hilt very similar to the Master Crown, in his first phase in all of the various battles against him; In his third phase, he can also create/invoke a light construct of the Master Crown or, in The Ultimate Choice on Soul Melter level, a near perfect replica of the crown (as many as four such replicas in the Soul Melter EX version), all of which fire giant laser beams at the Star Allies Sparkler. This same attack is used by the Master Crown itself in its boss battle in Kirby's Return to Dream Land Deluxe, reinforcing the connection between them.

Related Quotes[]

Bravo, Kirby. You've truly earned your reputation as a hero. Your help defeating Landia was invaluable. Ah... At long last, it's mine! The source of limitless power... The Master Crown! Obtaining this crown has been my ultimate goal all along! What's with all the weird looks? Fine. Let me explain everything. I fought Landia by myself and lost. So I fled to Planet Popstar. That's when the thought struck me... I could have you defeat Landia for me! A stroke of genius, I know. You even helped me repair my Starcutter. I really did appreciate that, by the way. Anyway...MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! The time has come for your planet... No! The time has come for the ENTIRE UNIVERSE to bow down to me. And for being such a big help in all of this, your planet gets to go first! Prepare to bow, Popstar! Welcome your new overlord!
— Magolor • Kirby's Return to Dream Land
Magolor deceived Kirby and stole Halcandra's legendary treasure, the Master Crown! It's up to Kirby to save the universe.
— VS Magolor • Kirby's Return to Dream Land
Magolor stole the Master Crown and the Lor from their sacred resting places on Halcandra. He's a liar and a wizard... Defeat him!
— VS Magolor EX • Kirby's Return to Dream Land
A sad shell possessed by the limitless power of the Master Crown, no more than a manifestation of the crown itself.
— VS Magolor Soul • Kirby's Return to Dream Land
Blinded by the power of the crown, the dragon attacked. Bring him back to the light!
— VS Parallel Landia • Team Kirby Clash Deluxe
To free the tree and bring an end to the take responsibility for his wicked ways... With all of his magic infused into the sword, he must strike! Magolor must atone for his misdeeds!
— VS Master Crown (Final attack) • Kirby's Return to Dream Land Deluxe
What remains of Magolor is a sad shell. He's possessed by the limitless power of the Master Crown, imprisoned by the hatred and obsessions of prior rulers. Now…defeat it and free Magolor's soul!
— VS Magolor Soul (Extra Mode) • Kirby's Return to Dream Land Deluxe
The one-eyed wreath grants power but swallows the soul... It devours, stealing any sense of self... Truly, this crown rules all. Free him from this nightmare! Take his hand and save a new friend!
— VS Magolor Soul (The True Arena, Phase 1) • Kirby's Return to Dream Land Deluxe
Kirby... Ugh! I hate having to rely on you, and your vacant stare when I revealed my grand plan was truly insulting. Well, let's see if you can break this thing on my head. If you can, then someday... hee hee hee...I may get to toy with you again!
— VS Magolor Soul (The True Arena, Phase 2) • Kirby's Return to Dream Land Deluxe


KRtDLD Magolor Phase 2


  • Interestingly, in all of its forms except for its first, an eye-like pattern is clearly discernable around and including the crown's jewel, perhaps as a subtle indicator of the crown's sentience. This also implies that Landia was not possessed by the crown at any point due to an immunity to its influence, suggesting that part of the reason Landia was guarding the crown was to prevent it from falling into the hands of someone who could be more easily influenced by its ability. However, Landia EX's flavor text suggests that it is not completely immune to the Master Crown's power.
  • The Master Crown can be seen wiggling and moving about on its own during the boss fight against Magolor.
  • In the jukebox, the song that plays while fighting the Master Crown is known as "Mistilteinn, Tree Crown without a Ruler". Mistilteinn is the name of a sword in Icelandic folklore said to have been wielded by a warrior king, while the crown's form is referred to as the "tree crown without a ruler" in its pause screen. It's unclear if the title is implying that the Master Crown's form in this battle is called Mistilteinn, or if it is the name of the sword Magolor uses to destroy the Master Crown.
    • Mistilteinn also directly translates to mistletoe, a parasitic plant that wraps around trees. It could be referring to how the Master Crown has integrated itself with the Gem Apple Tree to use as a body.
    • The theme itself also uses many leitmotifs from C-R-O-W-N-E-D, as well as the main Kirby Clash leitmotif, representing the mixture of the crown itself and the Gem Apple Seed. Additionally, it contains the leitmotif "A Visitor From Afar", the song that plays in the opening cutscene, and the leitmotif "Magolor, the Far-Flung Traveler".
  • The city in the background of the Master Crown fight appears to be a past version of Egg Engines, as evidenced by the buildings matching the ones seen in the level. This could indicate that it was the Master Crown itself that caused Egg Engines to fall into the ruined and abandoned state that it remains in now.



