- 0²
- 100-Yard Hop
- 1UP
- 3D (disambiguation)
- 3D Helmet Cannon
- 3D Laser Bar
- 3D Tilt Missile
- 3D Warp Star
- ???
- ? (disambiguation)
- A Blockbuster Battle
- A Chow Challenge
- A Dark and Stormy Knight
- A Dental Dilemma
- A Fish Called Kine
- A Half-Baked Battle
- A Novel Approach
- A Princess in Dis-Dress
- A Recipe for Disaster
- A Sunsational Surprise / A Sunsational Puzzle
- A Trashy Tale
- A Trip to Alivel Mall
- A Whale of a Tale
- A fun Kirby coloring activity!
- Abandoned Beach
- Ability Block
- Ability Item
- Ability Scroll
- Ability Testing Area
- Ability bubble
- Abusement Park
- Access Ark
- Acchi
- Ace Phanta
- Acore
- Acro
- Acro Jr.
- Acronym
- Action Block
- Action Star
- Active Blade
- Adeleine
- Adventurer Bell
- Aerogree Dimension
- Aim
- Air-Ride-in-Style
- Air-Ride-in-Style - Part I
- Air-Ride-in-Style - Part II
- Air Glider
- Air Gun
- Air Hockey
- Air Ride
- Air Ride Machine
- Air Rider
- Aliens
- Alivel Holding Company
- Amiibo Statue
- Amon
- Amprey
- An Unexpected Beast King
- Anemonee
- Angel
- Anger Masker
- Angie
- Anige
- Animal
- Animal Friends
- Another Dimension
- Antler
- Apolo
- Apple
- Apple Scramble
- Apricot Atrium
- Aqua Star
- Aquarius
- Arange Gorge
- Arch Mouth
- Archer
- Area Patch
- Arena
- Arena (disambiguation)
- Arena Waddle Dee
- Armor
- Armor Waddle Dee
- Armoroid
- Artist
- Asami Taniguchi
- Assist Star
- Assist Trophy
- Attack Riders
- Autocannon
- Awadoron
- Awasuki
- Awoofy
- Axe Knight
- Babagahara
- Babut
- Back to the Battleship
- Backdrop
- Bakasa
- Ball
- Ball (disambiguation)
- Ball (form)
- Ball (item)
- Balloon
- Balloon-Meister
- Balloon (disambiguation)
- Balloon (item)
- Balloon Bobbleship
- Balloon Bomb
- Balloon Bomber
- Bandana Waddle Dee
- Bang-Bang
- Banishback
- Barampa
- Barbar
- Baron Gallic
- Barracu
- Bastron
- Bat
- Batafire
- Batamon
- Baton
- Battery
- Battery (disambiguation)
- Battins
- Battle Arena
- Batty
- Battybat
- Baumkuchen
- Bead
- Beadrix
- Beam
- Beanbon
- Beanstalk Park
- Beast Pack
- Beetle
- Beetley
- Bell
- Belly Buster
- Benikage
- Benny
- Bernard
- Beryl
- Beware: Whispy Woods!
- Biblio
- Big-Bean Vine
- Big-Rig Mouth
- Big Beanbon
- Big Birdee
- Big Blucko
- Big Chip
- Big Floof
- Big Forest
- Big Gordo
- Big Ice Blucko
- Big Kabu
- Big Kirby
- Big Metalun
- Big Missile
- Big Mummbon
- Big Propeller
- Big Red Tortuilding
- Big Schnoz
- Big Soarar
- Big Stactus
- Big Stickle
- Big Toppy
- Big Waddle Dee
- Big Warwiggle
- Big Zombon
- Bigger Beanbon
- Bio Spark
- Birdee
- Birdon
- Biripper
- Bivolt
- Black mirror
- Blade
- Blade Knight
- Blado
- Blamboom
- Blast Mariner
- Blasto
- Blatzy
- Blaze Wheelie
- Blinkbat
- Blipper
- Blish
- Blizzard
- Blizzno Moon
- Blob
- Block (disambiguation)
- Block Attack
- Block Waddle Dee
- Blockbot
- Blockin
- Blockworld
- Blocky
- Bloo Hills
- Bloon
- Blopper
- Blowfish
- Blub-Blub Ocean
- Blucko
- Blue Box
- Blue Kirby
- Blue Sky Palace
- Blueprint
- Bluster
- Bo
- Boarding the Halberd
- Bobber Clod
- Bobbin
- Bobin
- Bobo
- Boboo
- Bohboh
- Boinger
- Bomb
- Bomb (disambiguation)
- Bomb (item)
- Bomb Block
- Bomb Bomb
- Bomb Cutter
- Bomb Rally
- Bomb Robot
- Bomb Spark
- Bombar
- Bomber
- Bombpeller
- Bombzway
- Bonehead
- Bonkers
- Bonus Chance
- Bonus Points
- Booboo
- Booler
- Boom Boatyard
- Booma-Dooma Volcano
- Boomer
- Booming Blasters
- Boost Orb
- Born to Be Mild - Part I
- Born to Be Mild - Part II
- Borrow
- Boss
- Boss Endurance
- Boten
- Bouncing Boss Battle
- Bouncy
- Bouncy Sis
- Bounder
- Bourbon
- Bowby
- Box
- Box Boxer
- Boxin
- Boxy
- Brobo
- Bronto Burt
- Bronto Knight
- Broom Hatter
- Broom King
- Brown Kirby
- Bubble
- Bubble (disambiguation)
- Bubble Head
- Bubble item
- Bubbles
- Bubbly Clouds
- Buboo
- Buccaneer Birdy
- Buddy Fighters Tower
- Buddy Star Blaster
- Buffahorn
- Bugzzy
- Bugzzy Jr.
- Bukiset
- Bulby
- Bulk Star
- Bumber
- Bumper Crop Bump
- Bun
- Bun (disambiguation)
- Burner Bird
- Burner Guardian
- Burning
- Burning, Churning Power Plant
- Burning Bomb
- Burning Burning
- Burning Cutter
- Burning Ice
- Burning Leo
- Burning Needle
- Burning Secrets
- Burning Spark
- Burning Stone
- Burnis
- Buster
- Butch
- Butter Building
- Buttercup
- Butterfly
- Button (Ravel Ability)
- Buttonbee
- Buttonbug
- Buttonfly
- Buufuu
- Buzzybat
- Bzztbulb
- C-R-O-W-N-E-D
- C.O.G.S.
- Cabbage Cavern
- Café-Staff Waddle Dee
- Cairn
- Cake (disambiguation)
- Cake Rolls
- Calderon
- Caller
- Candle
- Candlemander
- Candy Constellation
- Candy Mountain
- Cannon
- Cannon (disambiguation)
- Cannon Cotta
- Cannon Tower
- Canvas Canyon
- Capamari
- Caper
- Capiller
- Cappy
- Cappy New Year
- Cappy New Year and Other Kirby Adventures
- Cappy Town
- Cappy Town Down
- Capsule J
- Capsule J2
- Capsule J3
- Capsule J (disambiguation)
- Captain Kick
- Captain Stitch
- Captain Vul