An example of a large enemy, Big Waddle Dee, with a regular Waddle Dee for size comparision
Large enemies are a class of regular enemies appearing in many games in the Kirby series. They are slightly larger than normal regular enemies and usually have more health. There are certain characteristics that differentiate from other regular enemies. These are:
- They can only be inhaled with a Super Inhale or cannot be inhaled at all.
- They are immune to slides, tackles, and air puffs. (Kirby & The Amazing Mirror only)
- They have a lot of health (excluding Big Waddle Dee, which is as sturdy as a regular Waddle Dee, thus taking a few hits to defeat).
Large enemies include:
- Acchi
- Amprey
- Antler
- Armor Halcandra Dee
- Armor Waddle Dee
- Balloon-Meister
- Banishback
- Barbar
- Battybat
- Big Beanbon
- Big Blucko
- Big Chip
- Big Floof
- Big Gordo
- Big Ice Blucko
- Big Jellifrizz
- Big Kabu
- Big Missile
- Big Mummbon
- Big Propeller
- Big Schnoz
- Big Shotzo
- Big Soarar
- Big Space Jellifrizz
- Big Stactus
- Big Stickle
- Big Toppy
- Big Waddle Dee
- Big Warwiggle
- Big Zombon
- Bigger Beanbon
- Blamboom
- Blish
- Block Waddle Dee
- Blucko
- Bomb Robot
- Bouncy Sis
- Buffahorn
- Bun
- Cannon Tower
- Clanksprout
- Clay Ball
- Coldtzo
- Cotta General
- Covered Looker
- Crazy Stactus
- Danglerfish
- Deaper
- Eelongo
- Embaconda
- Flame Cobra
- Floaty the Cell Core
- Floaty Woods
- Flying Saucer
- Galbel
- Geg
- Giant Flotzo
- Giant Rocky
- Giant Schnoz
- Gigant Chicks
- Gigatzo
- Glutbulb
- Gnawcodile
- God Hand
- Golem
- Gondolus
- Grand Dee
- Grindarr
- Grinkey
- Grizzo
- Heavy Knight
- Ice Dinos
- Iron Barbar
- Jabhog
- Jellifrizz
- Land Barbar
- Lickeur
- Magmotamus
- Magoo
- Mamanti
- Mech Acro
- Mech Geg
- Mech Flotzo
- Mech Geg
- Mega Drill Cotta
- Mega Grindarr
- Merman Statue
- Metal Guardian
- Metalun
- Mini Whispy Woods
- Moai Block
- Moggy
- Mowlee Bros.
- Nruff
- Oohroo
- Orabiroo
- Pacto
- Paka Geg
- Pipe Worm
- Poison Croakom
- Pricklebat
- Primal Awoofy
- Puppet Waddle Dee
- Rock hand
- Sawgill
- Schnoz
- Schwarz
- Shield Guard
- Shieldster
- Sleepy Turtle
- Space Jellifrizz
- Space Jelly
- Space Oohroo
- Spiky Geg
- Spinwheel Flower
- Sportle
- Squpi
- Sssnacker
- Strike Box
- Stumpee
- Sulkworm
- Taccoziso
- Thudd
- Tortorner
- Tortuilding
- Twiggy Woods
- Uja
- Vol
- Volttzo
- Waddle Dee Steel Fortress
- Waddle Dee Train
- Warpspace
- Warwiggle
- Wicky Woods
- Winged Eggers
- Wobbly Woods
- Yesman