Kirby Wiki

KRtDLD Mike This page documents music in:
Kirby and the Rainbow Curse
Kirby and the Rainbow Curse

Name Japanese Name Translation Track # in Music Room Game of origin Music
Green Greens グリーングリーンズ Green Greens 1 Kirby's Dream Land
The Adventure Begins (Arrangement) 旅のはじまり/アレンジver. The Beginning of a Journey/Arrangement version 2 Kirby and the Rainbow Curse
King Dedede's Theme デデデ大王のテーマ King Dedede's Theme 3 Kirby Super Star
Through the Sky そらをゆく Through the Sky 4 Kirby Mass Attack
Vegetable Valley ベジタブルバレー Vegetable Valley 5 Kirby's Adventure
Top Ride Medley ウエライドメドレー Ue-ride Medley 6 Kirby Air Ride
Space Area 宇宙エリア Space Area 7 Kirby & The Amazing Mirror
Boss Theme ボスのテーマ Boss Theme 8 Kirby's Dream Land
Reflected Laughter 奥のカガミで笑う影 Reflection Laughing Behind the Mirror 9 Kirby: Triple Deluxe
Milky Way Wishes 銀河にねがいを A Wish Upon the Milky Way 10 Kirby Super Star
Ripple Field リップルフィールド Ripple Field 11 Kirby's Dream Land 3
Snowball Scuffle ゆきがっせん Snowball Fight 12 Kirby's Return to Dream Land
Ice Cream Island アイスクリームアイランド Icecream Island 13 Kirby's Adventure
Boss Battle ボスとの戦い Battle With a Boss 14 Kirby Super Star
Sky Tower スカイタワー Sky Tower 15 Kirby's Return to Dream Land
The Asteroid アステロイド The Asteroid 16 Kirby Mass Attack
Butter Building バタービルディング Butter Building 17 Kirby's Adventure
Rainbow Resort レインボーリゾート Rainbow Resort 18 Kirby's Adventure
The Beginner's Room 初心者の部屋 The Beginner's Room 19 Kirby Super Star
Forest Stage 森ステージ Forest Stage 20 Kirby's Adventure
Mountain Stage 山ステージ Mountain Stage 21 Kirby's Adventure
Coo's Theme クーのテーマ Coo's Theme 22 Kirby's Dream Land 2
Bubbly Clouds バブリークラウズ Bubbly Clouds 23 Kirby's Dream Land
Big Forest ビッグフォレスト Big Forest 24 Kirby's Dream Land 2
Revenge of the Enemy リベンジ オブ エネミー Revenge of the Enemy 25 Kirby: Triple Deluxe
Kirby Medley カービィメドレー Kirby Medley 26 Kirby Super Star
Rest Area 休憩所 Rest Area 27 Kirby Super Star
Iceberg Ocean コース8:雪ステージ Course 8: Snow Stage 28 Kirby's Dream Course
Revenge of Meta Knight: Ending メタナイトの逆襲:END Counterattack of Meta Knight: ENDING 29 Kirby Super Star
Heavy Lobster ヘビーロブスター Heavy Lobster 30 Kirby Super Star Ultra
Gulpy Ghost おおきなくちのおばけ Big Mouth Ghost 31 Kirby Mass Attack
Studying the Factory こうじょうけんがく Studying the Factory 32 Kirby 64: The Crystal Shards
Moonlight Capital 月影の帝都セクトラトア Moonlight Capital Sectratoa 33 Kirby: Triple Deluxe
The Legendary Halberd 伝説の戦艦ハルバード The Legendary Battleship Halberd 34 Kirby Squeak Squad
Milky Way Wishes: Shooting 銀河にねがいを:SHT A Wish Upon the Milky Way: SHOOTING 35 Kirby Super Star
C-R-O-W-N-E-D CROWNED CROWNED 36 Kirby's Return to Dream Land
Title Theme タイトル Title 37 Kirby and the Rainbow Curse
Opening オープニング Opening 38 Kirby and the Rainbow Curse
Main Menu メニュー Menu 39 Kirby and the Rainbow Curse
Level Select レベルセレクト Level Select 40 Kirby and the Rainbow Curse
The Grasslands 草原 The Grasslands 41 Kirby and the Rainbow Curse File:Green Valley.ogg
Learn the Controls! そうさをおぼえよう! Let's Learn the Operation! 42 Kirby and the Rainbow Curse
The Adventure Begins 旅のはじまり The Beginning of a Journey 43 Kirby and the Rainbow Curse
Stage Clear ステージクリア Stage Clear 44 Kirby and the Rainbow Curse
Up the Big Ol' Tree 登れ!大樹の中 Climb! Inside the Big Tree 45 Kirby and the Rainbow Curse
Go for the Giant Star めざせ!でっかいスター Go! Big Star 46 Kirby and the Rainbow Curse
Great Cave Escape 洞窟をぬけて Cave Escape 47 Kirby and the Rainbow Curse
Time's Almost Up! せまる!タイムリミット Urgent! Time Limit 48 Kirby and the Rainbow Curse
Invincible! むてきだ! Invincible! 49 Kirby and the Rainbow Curse
Escape from Grab Hand グラバーからにげろ! Escape from Grabber! 50 Kirby and the Rainbow Curse
Boss of the Grasslands 草原のボス Boss of the Grasslands 51 Kirby and the Rainbow Curse File:Grasslands Boss.ogg
What's This Now? あやしいぞ… Ominous... 52 Kirby and the Rainbow Curse
That Stubborn Tree! こしゃくなたいぼく! Impudent Big Tree! 53 Kirby and the Rainbow Curse
Level Clear レベルクリア Level Clear 54 Kirby and the Rainbow Curse
A Happy Message うれしいおしらせ A Happy Notice 55 Kirby and the Rainbow Curse
Treasure Chest たからばこ Treasure Chest 56 Kirby and the Rainbow Curse
Treasure Chest Opened! たからばこをだきしめて Treasure Chest Embrace 57 Kirby and the Rainbow Curse
Figurine Showcase フィギュアの部屋 Figurine Room 58 Kirby and the Rainbow Curse
Reading the Secret Diary ひみつノートえつらん Reading the Secret Notebook 59 Kirby and the Rainbow Curse
Challenge Mode チャレンジモード Challenge Mode 60 Kirby and the Rainbow Curse
Whoops! ミスった… Made a Mistake... 61 Kirby and the Rainbow Curse
Game Over ゲームオーバー Game Over 62 Kirby and the Rainbow Curse
The Desert 砂漠 The Desert 63 Kirby and the Rainbow Curse
Dig and Dash 掘って、進んで Dig, Advance 64 Kirby and the Rainbow Curse
More Dig and Dash もっと掘って進め More Digging and Advancing 65 Kirby and the Rainbow Curse
Evade and Dig and Dash にげながら掘って進め Dig and Advance While Escaping 66 Kirby and the Rainbow Curse
Crossing the Sands 砂の上に進むために Advancing on the Sands 67 Kirby and the Rainbow Curse
Deploy the Kirby Tank! 発進!カービィタンク Takeoff! Kirby Tank! 68 Kirby and the Rainbow Curse
Battle in Numbers 数で勝負をしかけたな A Battle in Numbers Began 69 Kirby and the Rainbow Curse
The Long-Lost Ruins 古代の遺跡 The Ancient Ruins 70 Kirby and the Rainbow Curse
Find the Weak Point 弱点をさがせ Find the Weak Point 71 Kirby and the Rainbow Curse
Boss of the Desert 砂漠のボス Boss of the Desert 72 Kirby and the Rainbow Curse File:Desert Boss.ogg
Red-Hot Battle! しゃくねつの戦い! Red-Hot Battle! 73 Kirby and the Rainbow Curse
The Sea The Sea 74 Kirby and the Rainbow Curse File:Indigo Ocean.ogg
Drifting on the Waves 海原をただよう Drifting in the Ocean 75 Kirby and the Rainbow Curse
Swept Out to Sea ながされて海の中 Swept Away in the Sea 76 Kirby and the Rainbow Curse
Fever Time! フィーバーだ! Fever! 77 Kirby and the Rainbow Curse
Dethskullk Jam デスドクロン Death Skully 78 Kirby and the Rainbow Curse
The Haunted Ship おそろしい船 The Scary Ship 79 Kirby and the Rainbow Curse
Close to the Surface 水面のそばで Close to the Water's Surface 80 Kirby and the Rainbow Curse
Kirby Submarine's Torpedo Time 進め! カービィサブマリン Advance! Kirby Submarine 81 Kirby and the Rainbow Curse
Battle Alone ひとりで勝負をしかけたな A Battle Alone Began 82 Kirby and the Rainbow Curse
In Dark Waters くらい海の中 In Dark Waters 83 Kirby and the Rainbow Curse
Boss of the Sea 海のボス Boss of the Sea 84 Kirby and the Rainbow Curse File:Sea Boss.ogg
Undersea Battle 水の中の戦い! In Water Battle 85 Kirby and the Rainbow Curse
The Sky The Sky 86 Kirby and the Rainbow Curse
Rainbow Across the Skies 天かける虹 Soar Across the Rainbow 87 Kirby and the Rainbow Curse
The Wild Red Yonder 大空を 炎にそめて The Heavens are Dyed in Flames 88 Kirby and the Rainbow Curse
Kirby Rocket's Big Blastoff 飛べ! カービィロケット Fly! Kirby Rocket 89 Kirby and the Rainbow Curse
Hit the Switch? かくごを決めてスイッチ! Prepare to Decide to Hit the Switch! 90 Kirby and the Rainbow Curse
Fly to the Exit! 出口をめざして Head for the Exit! 91 Kirby and the Rainbow Curse
Boss of the Sky 空のボス Boss of the Sky 92 Kirby and the Rainbow Curse File:Sky Boss.ogg
The Forest The Forest 93 Kirby and the Rainbow Curse
Beware of Forest Fungus 森のきのこに気をつけて Be Careful of Forest Mushrooms 94 Kirby and the Rainbow Curse
Woodland Battle 森林の戦い Woodland Battle 95 Kirby and the Rainbow Curse
Braving the Storm こうげきのあらし Attacking Storm 96 Kirby and the Rainbow Curse
Gondola Ride ゴンドラドライブ Gondola Drive 97 Kirby and the Rainbow Curse
Grievous Gondola Ride あぶないゴンドラドライブ Dangerous Gondola Drive 98 Kirby and the Rainbow Curse
Deep-Divin' Kirby Submarine 狙え!カービィサブマリン Aim! Kirby Submarine 99 Kirby and the Rainbow Curse
Watch Out for That Sloth 黄色いアイツに気をつけろ Be Careful of That Yellow Thing 100 Kirby and the Rainbow Curse
Boss of the Forest 森のボス Boss of the Forest 101 Kirby and the Rainbow Curse File:Forest Boss.ogg
The Volcano 火山 The Volcano 102 Kirby and the Rainbow Curse
Burning Secrets 熱い想いを むねにひめ Hot Thoughts Hidden in the Mind 103 Kirby and the Rainbow Curse
Scared of Getting Seared 熱におびえながら Scared in the Heat 104 Kirby and the Rainbow Curse
Volcanic Panic 恐怖のマグマ火山 Fearful Magma Volcano 105 Kirby and the Rainbow Curse
Boss of the Volcano 火山のボス Boss of the Volcano 106 Kirby and the Rainbow Curse File:Volcano Boss.ogg
Junk Airspace ガラクタ空間 Junk Airspace 107 Kirby and the Rainbow Curse
Infiltrate the Junk Factory! 潜入!ガラクタ工場 Infiltrate! The Junk Factory 108 Kirby and the Rainbow Curse
Collecting Stars 星のかけらをあつめて Collecting Star Pieces 109 Kirby and the Rainbow Curse
Kirby + Kirby カービィとカービィ Kirby & Kirby 110 Kirby and the Rainbow Curse
Alone Again ひとりにもどって Returning to Being Alone 111 Kirby and the Rainbow Curse File:Alone Again.ogg
Wonder Space ワンダースペース Wonder Space 112 Kirby and the Rainbow Curse
Wonder Space Warped ワンダースペース改 Wonder Space Revision 113 Kirby and the Rainbow Curse
Junk Airspace Boss ガラクタ空間のボス Boss of Junk Airspace 114 Kirby and the Rainbow Curse File:Junk Boss.ogg
A Bad Feeling... 予兆 Omen 115 Kirby and the Rainbow Curse
A Second Meeting ふたたびあえて Meeting a Second Time 116 Kirby and the Rainbow Curse
Battle with Claycia クレイシアとの戦い Battle with Claycia 117 Kirby and the Rainbow Curse
Final Transformation! 最後の変身! Final Transformation! 118 Kirby and the Rainbow Curse
Dark Crafter Battle ダーククラフターとの戦い Battle with Dark Crafter 119 Kirby and the Rainbow Curse
Back to Dream Land プププランドに帰ろう Back to Pupupuland 120 Kirby and the Rainbow Curse
Staff Roll スタッフロール Staff Roll 121 Kirby and the Rainbow Curse
The Return of Color 色がもどって The Return of Color 122 Kirby and the Rainbow Curse