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This page documents music in: Kirby and the Rainbow Curse |
Name | Japanese Name | Translation | Track # in Music Room | Game of origin | Music |
Green Greens | グリーングリーンズ | Green Greens | 1 | Kirby's Dream Land | |
The Adventure Begins (Arrangement) | 旅のはじまり/アレンジver. | The Beginning of a Journey/Arrangement version | 2 | Kirby and the Rainbow Curse | |
King Dedede's Theme | デデデ大王のテーマ | King Dedede's Theme | 3 | Kirby Super Star | |
Through the Sky | そらをゆく | Through the Sky | 4 | Kirby Mass Attack | |
Vegetable Valley | ベジタブルバレー | Vegetable Valley | 5 | Kirby's Adventure | |
Top Ride Medley | ウエライドメドレー | Ue-ride Medley | 6 | Kirby Air Ride | |
Space Area | 宇宙エリア | Space Area | 7 | Kirby & The Amazing Mirror | |
Boss Theme | ボスのテーマ | Boss Theme | 8 | Kirby's Dream Land | |
Reflected Laughter | 奥のカガミで笑う影 | Reflection Laughing Behind the Mirror | 9 | Kirby: Triple Deluxe | |
Milky Way Wishes | 銀河にねがいを | A Wish Upon the Milky Way | 10 | Kirby Super Star | |
Ripple Field | リップルフィールド | Ripple Field | 11 | Kirby's Dream Land 3 | |
Snowball Scuffle | ゆきがっせん | Snowball Fight | 12 | Kirby's Return to Dream Land | |
Ice Cream Island | アイスクリームアイランド | Icecream Island | 13 | Kirby's Adventure | |
Boss Battle | ボスとの戦い | Battle With a Boss | 14 | Kirby Super Star | |
Sky Tower | スカイタワー | Sky Tower | 15 | Kirby's Return to Dream Land | |
The Asteroid | アステロイド | The Asteroid | 16 | Kirby Mass Attack | |
Butter Building | バタービルディング | Butter Building | 17 | Kirby's Adventure | |
Rainbow Resort | レインボーリゾート | Rainbow Resort | 18 | Kirby's Adventure | |
The Beginner's Room | 初心者の部屋 | The Beginner's Room | 19 | Kirby Super Star | |
Forest Stage | 森ステージ | Forest Stage | 20 | Kirby's Adventure | |
Mountain Stage | 山ステージ | Mountain Stage | 21 | Kirby's Adventure | |
Coo's Theme | クーのテーマ | Coo's Theme | 22 | Kirby's Dream Land 2 | |
Bubbly Clouds | バブリークラウズ | Bubbly Clouds | 23 | Kirby's Dream Land | |
Big Forest | ビッグフォレスト | Big Forest | 24 | Kirby's Dream Land 2 | |
Revenge of the Enemy | リベンジ オブ エネミー | Revenge of the Enemy | 25 | Kirby: Triple Deluxe | |
Kirby Medley | カービィメドレー | Kirby Medley | 26 | Kirby Super Star | |
Rest Area | 休憩所 | Rest Area | 27 | Kirby Super Star | |
Iceberg Ocean | コース8:雪ステージ | Course 8: Snow Stage | 28 | Kirby's Dream Course | |
Revenge of Meta Knight: Ending | メタナイトの逆襲:END | Counterattack of Meta Knight: ENDING | 29 | Kirby Super Star | |
Heavy Lobster | ヘビーロブスター | Heavy Lobster | 30 | Kirby Super Star Ultra | |
Gulpy Ghost | おおきなくちのおばけ | Big Mouth Ghost | 31 | Kirby Mass Attack | |
Studying the Factory | こうじょうけんがく | Studying the Factory | 32 | Kirby 64: The Crystal Shards | |
Moonlight Capital | 月影の帝都セクトラトア | Moonlight Capital Sectratoa | 33 | Kirby: Triple Deluxe | |
The Legendary Halberd | 伝説の戦艦ハルバード | The Legendary Battleship Halberd | 34 | Kirby Squeak Squad | |
Milky Way Wishes: Shooting | 銀河にねがいを:SHT | A Wish Upon the Milky Way: SHOOTING | 35 | Kirby Super Star | |
C-R-O-W-N-E-D | CROWNED | CROWNED | 36 | Kirby's Return to Dream Land | |
Title Theme | タイトル | Title | 37 | Kirby and the Rainbow Curse | |
Opening | オープニング | Opening | 38 | Kirby and the Rainbow Curse | |
Main Menu | メニュー | Menu | 39 | Kirby and the Rainbow Curse | |
Level Select | レベルセレクト | Level Select | 40 | Kirby and the Rainbow Curse | |
The Grasslands | 草原 | The Grasslands | 41 | Kirby and the Rainbow Curse | File:Green Valley.ogg |
Learn the Controls! | そうさをおぼえよう! | Let's Learn the Operation! | 42 | Kirby and the Rainbow Curse | |
The Adventure Begins | 旅のはじまり | The Beginning of a Journey | 43 | Kirby and the Rainbow Curse | |
Stage Clear | ステージクリア | Stage Clear | 44 | Kirby and the Rainbow Curse | |
Up the Big Ol' Tree | 登れ!大樹の中 | Climb! Inside the Big Tree | 45 | Kirby and the Rainbow Curse | |
Go for the Giant Star | めざせ!でっかいスター | Go! Big Star | 46 | Kirby and the Rainbow Curse | |
Great Cave Escape | 洞窟をぬけて | Cave Escape | 47 | Kirby and the Rainbow Curse | |
Time's Almost Up! | せまる!タイムリミット | Urgent! Time Limit | 48 | Kirby and the Rainbow Curse | |
Invincible! | むてきだ! | Invincible! | 49 | Kirby and the Rainbow Curse | |
Escape from Grab Hand | グラバーからにげろ! | Escape from Grabber! | 50 | Kirby and the Rainbow Curse | |
Boss of the Grasslands | 草原のボス | Boss of the Grasslands | 51 | Kirby and the Rainbow Curse | File:Grasslands Boss.ogg |
What's This Now? | あやしいぞ… | Ominous... | 52 | Kirby and the Rainbow Curse | |
That Stubborn Tree! | こしゃくなたいぼく! | Impudent Big Tree! | 53 | Kirby and the Rainbow Curse | |
Level Clear | レベルクリア | Level Clear | 54 | Kirby and the Rainbow Curse | |
A Happy Message | うれしいおしらせ | A Happy Notice | 55 | Kirby and the Rainbow Curse | |
Treasure Chest | たからばこ | Treasure Chest | 56 | Kirby and the Rainbow Curse | |
Treasure Chest Opened! | たからばこをだきしめて | Treasure Chest Embrace | 57 | Kirby and the Rainbow Curse | |
Figurine Showcase | フィギュアの部屋 | Figurine Room | 58 | Kirby and the Rainbow Curse | |
Reading the Secret Diary | ひみつノートえつらん | Reading the Secret Notebook | 59 | Kirby and the Rainbow Curse | |
Challenge Mode | チャレンジモード | Challenge Mode | 60 | Kirby and the Rainbow Curse | |
Whoops! | ミスった… | Made a Mistake... | 61 | Kirby and the Rainbow Curse | |
Game Over | ゲームオーバー | Game Over | 62 | Kirby and the Rainbow Curse | |
The Desert | 砂漠 | The Desert | 63 | Kirby and the Rainbow Curse | |
Dig and Dash | 掘って、進んで | Dig, Advance | 64 | Kirby and the Rainbow Curse | |
More Dig and Dash | もっと掘って進め | More Digging and Advancing | 65 | Kirby and the Rainbow Curse | |
Evade and Dig and Dash | にげながら掘って進め | Dig and Advance While Escaping | 66 | Kirby and the Rainbow Curse | |
Crossing the Sands | 砂の上に進むために | Advancing on the Sands | 67 | Kirby and the Rainbow Curse | |
Deploy the Kirby Tank! | 発進!カービィタンク | Takeoff! Kirby Tank! | 68 | Kirby and the Rainbow Curse | |
Battle in Numbers | 数で勝負をしかけたな | A Battle in Numbers Began | 69 | Kirby and the Rainbow Curse | |
The Long-Lost Ruins | 古代の遺跡 | The Ancient Ruins | 70 | Kirby and the Rainbow Curse | |
Find the Weak Point | 弱点をさがせ | Find the Weak Point | 71 | Kirby and the Rainbow Curse | |
Boss of the Desert | 砂漠のボス | Boss of the Desert | 72 | Kirby and the Rainbow Curse | File:Desert Boss.ogg |
Red-Hot Battle! | しゃくねつの戦い! | Red-Hot Battle! | 73 | Kirby and the Rainbow Curse | |
The Sea | 海 | The Sea | 74 | Kirby and the Rainbow Curse | File:Indigo Ocean.ogg |
Drifting on the Waves | 海原をただよう | Drifting in the Ocean | 75 | Kirby and the Rainbow Curse | |
Swept Out to Sea | ながされて海の中 | Swept Away in the Sea | 76 | Kirby and the Rainbow Curse | |
Fever Time! | フィーバーだ! | Fever! | 77 | Kirby and the Rainbow Curse | |
Dethskullk Jam | デスドクロン | Death Skully | 78 | Kirby and the Rainbow Curse | |
The Haunted Ship | おそろしい船 | The Scary Ship | 79 | Kirby and the Rainbow Curse | |
Close to the Surface | 水面のそばで | Close to the Water's Surface | 80 | Kirby and the Rainbow Curse | |
Kirby Submarine's Torpedo Time | 進め! カービィサブマリン | Advance! Kirby Submarine | 81 | Kirby and the Rainbow Curse | |
Battle Alone | ひとりで勝負をしかけたな | A Battle Alone Began | 82 | Kirby and the Rainbow Curse | |
In Dark Waters | くらい海の中 | In Dark Waters | 83 | Kirby and the Rainbow Curse | |
Boss of the Sea | 海のボス | Boss of the Sea | 84 | Kirby and the Rainbow Curse | File:Sea Boss.ogg |
Undersea Battle | 水の中の戦い! | In Water Battle | 85 | Kirby and the Rainbow Curse | |
The Sky | 空 | The Sky | 86 | Kirby and the Rainbow Curse | |
Rainbow Across the Skies | 天かける虹 | Soar Across the Rainbow | 87 | Kirby and the Rainbow Curse | |
The Wild Red Yonder | 大空を 炎にそめて | The Heavens are Dyed in Flames | 88 | Kirby and the Rainbow Curse | |
Kirby Rocket's Big Blastoff | 飛べ! カービィロケット | Fly! Kirby Rocket | 89 | Kirby and the Rainbow Curse | |
Hit the Switch? | かくごを決めてスイッチ! | Prepare to Decide to Hit the Switch! | 90 | Kirby and the Rainbow Curse | |
Fly to the Exit! | 出口をめざして | Head for the Exit! | 91 | Kirby and the Rainbow Curse | |
Boss of the Sky | 空のボス | Boss of the Sky | 92 | Kirby and the Rainbow Curse | File:Sky Boss.ogg |
The Forest | 森 | The Forest | 93 | Kirby and the Rainbow Curse | |
Beware of Forest Fungus | 森のきのこに気をつけて | Be Careful of Forest Mushrooms | 94 | Kirby and the Rainbow Curse | |
Woodland Battle | 森林の戦い | Woodland Battle | 95 | Kirby and the Rainbow Curse | |
Braving the Storm | こうげきのあらし | Attacking Storm | 96 | Kirby and the Rainbow Curse | |
Gondola Ride | ゴンドラドライブ | Gondola Drive | 97 | Kirby and the Rainbow Curse | |
Grievous Gondola Ride | あぶないゴンドラドライブ | Dangerous Gondola Drive | 98 | Kirby and the Rainbow Curse | |
Deep-Divin' Kirby Submarine | 狙え!カービィサブマリン | Aim! Kirby Submarine | 99 | Kirby and the Rainbow Curse | |
Watch Out for That Sloth | 黄色いアイツに気をつけろ | Be Careful of That Yellow Thing | 100 | Kirby and the Rainbow Curse | |
Boss of the Forest | 森のボス | Boss of the Forest | 101 | Kirby and the Rainbow Curse | File:Forest Boss.ogg |
The Volcano | 火山 | The Volcano | 102 | Kirby and the Rainbow Curse | |
Burning Secrets | 熱い想いを むねにひめ | Hot Thoughts Hidden in the Mind | 103 | Kirby and the Rainbow Curse | |
Scared of Getting Seared | 熱におびえながら | Scared in the Heat | 104 | Kirby and the Rainbow Curse | |
Volcanic Panic | 恐怖のマグマ火山 | Fearful Magma Volcano | 105 | Kirby and the Rainbow Curse | |
Boss of the Volcano | 火山のボス | Boss of the Volcano | 106 | Kirby and the Rainbow Curse | File:Volcano Boss.ogg |
Junk Airspace | ガラクタ空間 | Junk Airspace | 107 | Kirby and the Rainbow Curse | |
Infiltrate the Junk Factory! | 潜入!ガラクタ工場 | Infiltrate! The Junk Factory | 108 | Kirby and the Rainbow Curse | |
Collecting Stars | 星のかけらをあつめて | Collecting Star Pieces | 109 | Kirby and the Rainbow Curse | |
Kirby + Kirby | カービィとカービィ | Kirby & Kirby | 110 | Kirby and the Rainbow Curse | |
Alone Again | ひとりにもどって | Returning to Being Alone | 111 | Kirby and the Rainbow Curse | File:Alone Again.ogg |
Wonder Space | ワンダースペース | Wonder Space | 112 | Kirby and the Rainbow Curse | |
Wonder Space Warped | ワンダースペース改 | Wonder Space Revision | 113 | Kirby and the Rainbow Curse | |
Junk Airspace Boss | ガラクタ空間のボス | Boss of Junk Airspace | 114 | Kirby and the Rainbow Curse | File:Junk Boss.ogg |
A Bad Feeling... | 予兆 | Omen | 115 | Kirby and the Rainbow Curse | |
A Second Meeting | ふたたびあえて | Meeting a Second Time | 116 | Kirby and the Rainbow Curse | |
Battle with Claycia | クレイシアとの戦い | Battle with Claycia | 117 | Kirby and the Rainbow Curse | |
Final Transformation! | 最後の変身! | Final Transformation! | 118 | Kirby and the Rainbow Curse | |
Dark Crafter Battle | ダーククラフターとの戦い | Battle with Dark Crafter | 119 | Kirby and the Rainbow Curse | |
Back to Dream Land | プププランドに帰ろう | Back to Pupupuland | 120 | Kirby and the Rainbow Curse | |
Staff Roll | スタッフロール | Staff Roll | 121 | Kirby and the Rainbow Curse | |
The Return of Color | 色がもどって | The Return of Color | 122 | Kirby and the Rainbow Curse |