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KRtDLD Mike This page documents music in:
Kirby Star Allies
Kirby Star Allies

Disc 1[]

KRtDLDX Maxim Tomato Main article: Disc 1

Disc 2[]

KRtDLDX Maxim Tomato Main article: Disc 2

Disc 3[]

KRtDLDX Maxim Tomato Main article: Disc 3

Disc 4[]

KRtDLDX Maxim Tomato Main article: Disc 4

Disc 5[]

KRtDLDX Maxim Tomato Main article: Disc 5

Disc 6[]

KRtDLDX Maxim Tomato Main article: Disc 6

Playbutton: Kirby Arrange Selection[]

KRtDLDX Maxim Tomato Main article: Playbutton: Kirby Arrange Selection


Name*[1] Japanese Name[2] Translation Track # in Jukebox Track # in Kirby Star Allies Original Soundtrack When/Where Music Plays
Twinkle☆Stars ティンクル☆スターズ Twinkle☆Stars 001 1-01 Title
Let's Be Friends♡ Let's Make Friends♡ Let's Make Friends♡ 003 1-02 Let's Be Friends♡ Cutscene
Select File セレクトリンク Select Link 002 1-03 Main Menu
A Rude Awakening ほうかいの おひるねタイム Collapsing nap time 004 1-04 Starfall: A Rude Awakening Cutscene
World of Peace: Dream Land へいわなくに プププランド Peaceful Land: Pupupu Land 005 1-05 World of Peace - Dream Land
Green Gardens グリーングリーティング Green Greeting 006 1-06 Green Gardens
Donut Dome ドーナツドーム Donut Dome 008 1-07 Donut Dome
Honey Hill ハニーヒル Honey Hill 009 1-08 Honey Hill
Helpful Advice おしらせします! Notification! 007 1-09 Notification pop-up
Friend Puzzle Solving フレンズナゾトキ Friends Puzzle 010 1-10 Puzzle Room
Invincible 無敵 Invincible 012 1-11 Obtain Invincible Candy
Rare Picture Piece レアイラストピース Rare Illustration Piece 011 1-12 Obtain Rare Picture Piece
A Battle of Friends and Bonds 友ときずなの戦い A Battle of Friends and Bonds 013 1-13 Vs. Boss
Green Greens (Kirby's Dream Land) GREEN GREENS(星のカービィ) GREEN GREENS (Kirby) 127 1-14 Extra Eclair Hill Area/Extra Planet δ Gameboy Area
Plaza (Kirby's Blowout Blast) エントランス(カービィのすいこみ大作戦) Entrance (Kirby's Great Suction Offensive) 073 1-15 Extra Eclair Puzzle Room
Shooting (Kirby's Dream Land) やきいもシューティング(星のカービィ) Sweet Potato Shooting (Kirby) 074 1-16 Extra Eclair Dome Area
Boss Theme (Kirby's Blowout Blast) ボスのテーマ(カービィのすいこみ大作戦) Boss Theme (Kirby's Great Suction Offensive) 075 1-17 Extra Eclair Vs. Mid-boss
For the Brave ゆうかんなるものたちへ Those who Become Brave 014 1-18 Clash at Castle Dedede
Greedy King むさぼりの王 Greedy King 015 1-19 King Dedede sound effects
Macho of Dedede マッチョ オブ デデデ Macho of Dedede 016 1-20 Vs. King Dedede
Kirby Dance (Long) カービィダンス/ロング Kirby Dance/Long 017 1-21 Boss Defeated
Sudden Happy Ending いきなりハッピーエンディング Suddenly Happy Ending 018 1-22 Fake Credits
It won't be that easy... そうはとんやが… It won't be that easy... 019 1-23 Credits Rewind
Ending Ad Bumper! エンドアイキャッチ! End Eyecatch! 020 1-24 Onward! Image
Secret Area: HAL Room (Dedede's Drum Dash Deluxe) シークレットエリア:HAL部屋(デデデ大王のデデデでデンZ) Secret Area: HAL Room (Dedede's Drum Rush Z) 021 1-25 Fruity Forest HAL Room
World of Miracles: Planet Popstar きせきの星 ポップスター Star of Miracles: Pop Star 022 1-26 World of Miracles - Planet Popstar
Friendly Field フレンズフィールド Friends Field 023 1-27 Friendly Field
Reef Resort リーフリゾート Reef Resort 024 1-28 Reef Resort
Echo's Edge エコーズエッジ Echo's Edge 025 1-29 Echo's Edge
Nature’s Navel ネイキッドナチュレ Naked Nature 030 1-30 Nature’s Navel
Vegetable Valley (Kirby: Nightmare in Dream Land) ベジタブルバレー(星のカービィ 夢の泉デラックス) Vegetable Valley (Kirby: Fountain of Dream Deluxe) 076 1-31 Inside Islands Field Area
Orange Ocean (Kirby: Nightmare in Dream Land) オレンジオーシャン(星のカービィ 夢の泉デラックス) Orange Ocean (Kirby: Fountain of Dream Deluxe) 077 1-32 Inside Islands Resort Area
Vs. Robo Dedede: In Crisis (Kirby's Dream Course) VS. メカデデデ:ピンチ(カービィボウル) VS. Robo Dedede: Pinch (Kirby Bowl) 078 1-33 Inside Islands Vs. Mid-Boss
Cloudy Park (Kirby's Dream Land 2) クラウディパーク(星のカービィ2) Cloudy Park (Kirby 2) 079 1-34 Duplex Dream Edge Area
Red Canyon: Stage Select (Kirby's Dream Land 2) レッドキャニオン:ステージセレクト(星のカービィ2) Red Canyon: Stage Select (Kirby 2) 080 1-35 Duplex Dream Puzzle Room
Underground Tree Area (Kirby Super Star) 地底の木々エリア(星のカービィ スーパーデラックス) Underground Tree Area (Kirby Super Deluxe) 081 1-36 Duplex Dream Navel Area
Vs. Gryll (Kirby's Star Stacker) VS. グリル(カービィのきらきらきっず) VS. Grill (Kirby's Kirakira Kids) 082 1-37 Duplex Dream VS. Mid-boss
Sacred Square セイントスクエアーズ Saint Squares 031 1-38 Sacred Square
Twinkling☆Travelers ティンクル☆トラベラー Twinkle☆Traveler 032 1-39 Friend Star/Friend Train
Blowing at the Rock Cliff 岩ぺきにふく Blowing at the Rock Cliff 033 1-40 Sacred Square Boss Preparation Room
Lone Resounding Whistle ここうひびく口ぶえ Lone Resounding Whistle 034 1-41 Meta Knight's Room
The Clash of Comrades' Blades 友と交わるその剣の音 The Sound of Comrades that Cross Blades 035 1-42 Vs. Meta Knight
Chop Champs ふりふり!きこりきょうそう Swing Swing! Lumberjack Competition 036 2-01 Chop Champs Title
Let's Build a Log Cabin! ログハウスつくろう Build a Log Cabin 037 2-02 Chop Champs
Star Slam Heroes ギャラクティックホームラン王 Galactic Home Run King 038 2-03 Star Slam Heroes Title
To the Far Reaches of the Galaxy ギャラクシーのかなたまで To the Other Side of the Galaxy 039 2-04 Star Slam Heroes
Standings けっかはっぴょう Results Announcement 040 2-05 Results
Well Done! がんばった! I Tried! 041 2-06 2nd or 3rd Place
Congratulations! おめでとう!! Congratulations!! 042 2-07 1st Place
Too bad... ざんねん Disappointment 043 2-08 Last Place
Fortress of Shadows: Jambastion! 暗黒ようさいジャマハルダ! Shadow Fortress Jamaharuda! 044 2-09 Fortress of Shadows - Jambastion
Where Even Weeds Won't Grow ぺんぺん草も生えぬ地へ Land Where Even Weeds Don't Grow 045 2-10 Gatehouse Road
Wind of the Eastern Wall まくへきの風 Wind of the Curtain Wall 046 2-11 First room of Eastern Wall
Adventures in Jambastion ジャマハルダアドベンチャー Jamaharuda Adventure 047 2-12 Eastern Wall, Longview Corridor, Western Wall
Memorial Festival メモリアルフェス Memorial Festival 128 2-13 Dance Solo/Festival Dance
First Bonjam はじめてのジャマハローア First Jamhaloa 050 2-14 Francisca sound effects
Song of Supplication Prayer song to God Prayer song to God 051 2-15 Vs. Francisca/Flamerge/The Three Mage-Sisters
...Jambuhbye …ジャマサラーバ ...Jambuhbye 052 2-16 Francsica defeated
The Last Iceberg (Kirby's Dream Land 3) アイスバーグ(星のカービィ3) Iceberg (Kirby 3) 083 2-17 Sector A
Vs. Dark Matter (Kirby's Dream Land 3) VS. ダークマター(星のカービィ3) Vs. Dark Matter (Kirby 3) 084 2-18 Sector A
True Arena Showdown (Kirby Super Star Ultra) 真 コロシアムの戦い(星のカービィ ウルトラスーパーデラックス) True Battle of the Coliseum (Kirby Ultra Super Deluxe) 085 2-19 Sector A Vs. Mid-boss
Neo Star (Kirby 64: The Crystal Shards) コレカラスター(星のカービィ64) Future Star (Kirby 64) 086 2-20 Sector B
Miracle Matter (Kirby 64: The Crystal Shards) ミラクルマター(星のカービィ64) Miracle Matter (Kirby 64) 087 2-21 Sector B Vs. Mid-boss
Vs. The Squeaks (Kirby: Squeak Squad) VS. ドロッチェ団(星のカービィ 参上!ドロッチェ団) VS. Daroach Gang (Kirby: Calling on! Daroach Gang) 088 2-22 Sector C
Uncanny Underground (Kirby: Squeak Squad) あやしい地下(星のカービィ 参上!ドロッチェ団) Uncanny Underground (Kirby: Calling on! Daroach Gang) 089 2-23 Sector C
The Black Mirror (Team Kirby Clash Deluxe) 黒い鏡(みんなで!カービィハンターズZ) The Black Mirror (Everyone! Kirby Hunters Z) 090 2-24 Sector C Puzzle Room
Kracko (Kirby Canvas Curse) クラッコ(タッチ!カービィ) Kracko (Touch! Kirby) 091 2-25 Sector C Vs. Mid-boss
Friends Goal! フレンズゴール! Friends Goal! 026 2-26 Stage Clear
Goal Game ゴールゲーム Goal Game 027 2-27 Goal Game
Kirby Dance (Short) カービィダンス/ショート Kirby Dance/Short 028 2-28 Goal Game Dance
Picture Results イラストリザルト Illustration Result 029 2-29 Picture Piece Results
Dreams Realized! ドリームじつげん! Dream Realized! 049 2-30 Pressed Big Switch/Obtained Power-Up Heart
The Palace of Fulfilled Dreams 夢をかなえるしんでん The Dream Fulfilling Temple 048 2-31 Dream Palace
Jamblasted of Anger いかりのジャマッデム Jamadamn of Anger 053 2-32 Flamberge sound effects
Jambuhbye! ジャマサラーバッ! Jambuhbye! 054 2-33 Flamberge defeated
True Friends Stand with You 信じられる友がいる Believing in Friends 055 2-34 Inner Sanctum and Heavenly Hall
For the Great Mr. Hyness いだいなるハイネス様のために For the Great Mr. Hyness 056 2-35 Zan Partizanne sound effects
A Forgotten Flash of Lightning 忘らるる閃光のライトニング A Forgottezanne Flash of Lightning 057 2-36 Vs. Zan Partizanne
Defeat ヤラレ Defeat 069 2-37 Lose a Life
Game Over (Kirby's Blowout Blast) ゲームオーバー(カービィのすいこみ大作戦) Game Over (Kirby's Great Suction Offensive) 070 2-38 Game Over
Continue (Kirby's Return to Dream Land) コンティニュー(星のカービィ Wii) Continue (Kirby Wii) 071 2-39 Continue?
Jambuhbyyye ジャマサラーバァ Jambuhbyyye 058 2-40 Zan Partizanne defeated
A Battle of Friends and Bonds 2 友ときずなの戦い2 A Battle of Friends and Bonds 2 059 2-41 Escaping the Jambastion
Kind Streets 優しさに染まるストリート Street Stained with Kindness 226 2-42 Guest Star Results
Far-Flung Starlight Heroes 遥か、きらめきの勇者たち Far-Flung, Twinkle Heroes 060 3-01 Far-Flung Starlight Heroes
Winds across Earthfall フォルアースに吹く風 Wind Blowing on Fallearth 061 3-02 Planet Earthfall and Falluna Moon
Puzzle-Solving Galaxy ナゾトキ銀河 Puzzle-Solving Galaxy 062 3-03 Far-Flung Starlight Heroes Puzzle Room
Misteen's Oceans ミスティーンオーシャン Misteen Ocean 063 3-04 Planet Misteen and Mareen Moon
Caverna's Massive Mazes ポッカラ大迷宮 Pokkara Great Labyrinth 064 3-05 Planet Caverna and Grott Moon
Frostak's Arctic Tundra ヒャッコル寒冷地 Hyakkol Cold Region 065 3-06 Planet Frostak and Blizzno Moon
The Adventure Begins (Kirby's Return to Dream Land) ぼうけんのはじまり(星のカービィ Wii) The Adventure Begins (Kirby Wii) 092 3-07 Extra Planet α Daytime/Evening
Underworld (Kirby's Return to Dream Land) アンダーワールド(星のカービィ Wii) Underworld (Kirby Wii) 093 3-08 Extra Planet α Nighttime
Another Dimension (Kirby's Return to Dream Land) アナザーディメンション(星のカービィ Wii) Another Dimension (Kirby Wii) 094 3-09 Extra Planet α Misteen Area
Vs. Mecha Kawasaki (Kirby's Return to Dream Land) VS. アイアンカワサキ(星のカービィ Wii) VS. Iron Kawasaki (Kirby Wii) 095 3-10 Extra Planet α Vs. Mid-boss
More Challenge Stages (Kirby's Dream Collection Special Edition) もっとチャレンジステージ(星のカービィ 20周年スペシャルコレクション) More Challenge Stages (Kirby20th Anniversary Special Collection) 096 3-11 Extra Planet β
Mysterious Rolling Boulders from Afar (Kirby: Triple Deluxe) 奥からゴロリン不思議岩(星のカービィ トリプルデラックス ) Mysterious Rolling Boulders from Behind (Kirby: Triple Deluxe) 097 3-12 Extra Planet β
Beautiful Prison (Kirby: Triple Deluxe) 美の監獄(星のカービィ トリプルデラックス ) Beautiful Prison (Kirby: Triple Deluxe) 098 3-13 Extra Planet β Caverna Area
Bouncing Boss Battle (Dedede's Drum Dash Deluxe) とびだせ!奥へ手前へボスバトル(デデデ大王のデデデでデンZ) Jump Out! Boss Battle to the Back and to the Front (Dedede's Drum Rush Z) 099 3-14 Extra Planet β Vs. Mid-boss
All Big Switches Pressed! 大スイッチぜんぶおし! Press All Big Switches! 072 3-15 All Big Switches Pressed
Towara's Ancient Towers 古代の塔ピサーシャ Ancient Tower Pisasha 066 3-16 Planet Towara and Gabbel Moon
Star Lavadom 新星ドルムアーツ Nova Dorumarts 067 3-17 Star Lavadom and Sizzlai Moon
Combat Evaluation Program (Kirby: Planet Robobot) 戦闘力測定プログラム(星のカービィ ロボボプラネット) Combat Measurement Program (Kirby: Robobot Planet) 100 3-18 Extra Planet γ Towara Area
Dedede's Tridimensional Cannon (Kirby: Planet Robobot) 伝導電磁式三連砲:D.D.D.(星のカービィ ロボボプラネット) Conductive Electromagnetic Type Triple Cannon: D.D.D. (Kirby: Robobot Planet) 101 3-19 Extra Planet γ Lavadom Area
Outlaw Driver (Kirby: Planet Robobot) アウトロウドライバー(星のカービィ ロボボプラネット) Outlaw Driver (Kirby: Robobot Planet) 102 3-20 Extra Planet γ Vs. Mid-boss
Far-Flung Journey's End 遥か、冒険の旅の果てに Far-Flung, Adventure of the Journey's End 068 3-21 Far-Flung Starlight Heroes Near Jambandra Base
New Mode Unlocked! 新モードオープン! New Mode Open! 103 3-22 New Mode Unlocked/Obtained All-Up Heart
Welcome to Dream Land (Kirby's Dream Land) タイトル(星のカービィ) Title (Kirby) 142 3-23 The First Rival Celebration picture
Grassland 1 (Kirby's Dream Land 3) グラスランド(1)(星のカービィ3) Grassland (1) (Kirby 3) 143 3-24 A Dream Above the Clouds Celebration Picture
Arena Showdown (Kirby: Triple Deluxe) コロシアムの戦い(星のカービィ トリプルデラックス ) Battle of the Coliseum (Kirby: Triple Deluxe) 144 3-25 Super Ultra Battle! Celebration Picture
Staff (Kirby 64: The Crystal Shards) スタッフ(星のカービィ64) Staff (Kirby 64) 145 3-26 A Delicious Picnic Celebration Picture
Squeak Squad Theme ドロッチェ団のテーマ(星のカービィ 参上!ドロッチェ団) Daroach Gang Theme (Kirby: Calling on! Daroach Gang) 146 3-27 The Great Labyrinth Battle Celebration Picture
Welcome Your New Overlord (Kirby's Return to Dream Land) 支配してアゲルヨォ(星のカービィ Wii) Rise to Power (Kirby Wii) 147 3-28 FIGHT FOR THE CROWN! Celebration Picture
One of the Miracles (Kirby: Triple Deluxe) きせきの1つ(星のカービィ トリプルデラックス) One of the Miracles (Kirby: Triple Deluxe) 148 3-29 A Miracle Sent to the Skies Celebration Picture
Vs. Star Dream (Kirby: Planet Robobot) VS. スタードリーム(星のカービィ ロボボプラネット) VS. Star Dream (Kirby: Planet Robobot) 149 3-30 Robobot Memories Celebration Picture
Friends' Getaway フレンズ ホリデイズ Friends' Holidays 150 3-31 Friends' Getaway Celebration Picture
Crazy Mischief in the Stars 星空のいたずらパニック Starry Sky Prank Panic 151 3-32 Crazy Mischief in the Stars Celebration Picture
Chasing Our Dreams ゆめをかなえに しゅっぱつ! Leaving to Fulfill Dreams! 152 3-33 Chasing Our Dreams Celebration Picture
Shadowy Partners 影なる共闘 Shadow Joint Struggle 153 3-34 Shadowy Partners Celebration Picture
The Shape of a Heart ココロノスガタ The Shape of a Heart 154 3-35 The Shape of a Heart Celebration Picture
Rockabilly And Blues 虫ケラが鳴くロカビリー Rockabilly and the Sound of Bugs 155 3-36 Rockabilly And Blues Celebration Picture
Break Time Breakdown ブレイクタイム・ブレイクダウン Break Time Breakdown 156 3-37 Break Time Breakdown Celebration Picture
Where Even Light Does Not Reach 彼方、光さえ届かぬ場所へ Beyond, to the Place Even Light Does Not Reach 104 4-01 Far-Flung Starlight Heroes At Jambandra Base
Scarred Land of Dreams and New Greens 夢と新緑の残痕地 Scarred Land of Dreams and New Greens 105 4-02 Jambandra Base and The Divine Terminus
Path of Worship 拝道 Worship Path 106 4-03 Penultimate room of The Divine Terminus
Hall of Worship 拝殿 Worship Hall 107 4-04 Hyness' room
White Priest of Worship 拝白の神司 White Priest of Worship 108 4-05 Zan Partizanne defeated and Hyness sound effects
Puppet Offering 傀儡奉納 Puppet Offering 109 4-06 Vs. Hyness
La Follia d'amore 110 4-07 Vs. Hyness (unhooded)
Priest of Decumbent Worship 拝伏の神司 Priest of Decumbent Worship 111 4-08 Hyness defeated
Liturgy of Holy Submission 拝納祭 Worship Offering Ritual 112 4-09 Dark Lord Sacrifice
Introduction: To Distant Seas of Stars 序奏:星の絶海へ Introduction: To Distant Seas of Stars 113 4-10 Kirby - Star Allies
Suite: The Star-Conquering Traveler (Movement 1: Star Crushing Whimsy; Movement 2: Vessel of the Embryo; Movement 3: Wings of Sorrow and the Heavens; Movement 4: The Birth of Hope) 組曲:星羅征く旅人 第一楽章:星砕きの戯れ~第二楽章:胚子の器~第三楽章:哀と渾天の翼~第四楽章:生誕の希望 Suite: The Star Conquering Traveler (First Movement: Star Crushing Fun~Second Movement: Vessel of the Embryo~Third Movement: Wings of Sorrow and the Heavens~Fourth Movement: The Hope of Birth) 114 4-11 Vs. Void Termina
Termina's Portent 先触のエンデ Ende's Portent 115 4-12 Void Termina Final Form
The Star Allies Have Your Back! あの星の友だちみんなが、ついているからだ! All Friends of That Star, Come Together! 116 4-13 Star Allies Sparkler Finale
Final Episode Attack!! ファイナルエピソードアタック!! Final Episode Attack!! 117 4-14 Final Attack sound effects
Last Friends ラストフレンズ Last Friends 118 4-15 Star Allies: Return from Afar
Having Watched You All Along ずっと、君を見ていると。 The Whole Time, I Have Been Watching You. 119 4-16 Kirby's Curtain Call
Testing Star おためしスター Trial Star 120 4-17 Ability Planet
A Decisive Battle for Tomorrow (Kirby's Blowout Blast) あしたはあしたのだいけっせん(カービィのすいこみ大作戦) Tomorrow's Great Decisive Battle (Kirby's Great Suction Offensive) 121 4-18 Ability Planet VS. Mid-boss
Hidden Corkboard (Kirby Super Star Ultra) 裏 コルクボード(星のカービィ ウルトラスーパーデラックス) Back Corkboard (Kirby Super Star Ultra) 123 4-19 Extra Planet δ first room
Bring On the Super Ability (Kirby's Return to Dream Land) 必殺!スーパー能力(星のカービィ Wii) Special Move! Super Ability (Kirby Wii) 124 4-20 Extra Planet δ first Friend Door section
Hypernova Inhale (Kirby: Triple Deluxe) 全てすいこめ!ビッグバン(星のカービィ トリプルデラックス) Inhale Everything! Big Bang (Kirby: Triple Deluxe) 125 4-21 Extra Planet δ second Friend Door section
Pink Ball Activate! (Kirby: Planet Robobot) 桃球発進!ロボボアーマー(星のカービィ ロボボプラネット) Pink Ball Takeoff! Robobot Armor (Kirby: Planet Robobot) 126 4-22 Extra Planet δ Friend Star
The Adventure Begins — amiibo Special Arrangement (Kirby's Blowout Blast) ぼうけんのはじまり/amiibo スペシャル ver.(カービィのすいこみ大作戦) The Adventure Begins/amiibo Special ver. (Kirby's Great Suction Offensive) 157 4-23 Guest Star ???? Star Allies Go! Title
Pressure Panic (Kirby's Return to Dream Land) プレッシャーパニック(星のカービィ Wii) Pressure Panic (Kirby Wii) 158 4-24 Vs. Mid-boss before Level 5 second Checkpoint
Title Screen (Kirby's Dream Land 2) タイトル(星のカービィ2) Title (Kirby 2) 160 4-25 Rick & Kine & Coo HAL Room
Milky Way Wishes (Kirby Super Star) 銀河にねがいを(星のカービィ スーパーデラックス) Wish Upon the Milky Way (Kirby Super Deluxe) 161 4-26 Marx HAL Room
Ripple Field: Stage Select (Kirby's Dream Land 3) リップルフィールド:ステージセレクト(星のカービィ3) Ripple Field: Stage Select (Kirby 3) 162 4-27 Gooey HAL Room
Planet Popstar: Stage Select — Star Allies Arrangement ポップスター:ステージセレクト/スターアライズ アレンジ ver. Pop Star: Stage Select/Star Allies Arrangement ver. 163 4-28 Adeleine & Ribbon HAL Room
Stage Begin — Star Allies Arrangement スタートステージ/スターアライズ アレンジ ver. Start Stage/Star Allies Arrangement ver. 164 4-29 Dark Meta Knight HAL Room
Squeak Squad Title Screen — Star Allies Arrangement 参上!ドロッチェ団:タイトル/スターアライズ アレンジ ver. Calling on! Daroach Gang: Title/Star Allies Arrangement ver. 165 4-30 Daroach HAL Room
Four Adventurers: Cookie Country — Star Allies Arrangement 4人の仲間と:クッキーカントリー/スターアライズ アレンジ ver. With Four Friends: Cookie Country/Star Allies Arrangement ver. 166 4-31 Magolor HAL Room
Taranza the Puppeteer Magician — Star Allies Arrangement あやつりの魔術師タランザ/スターアライズ アレンジ ver. Puppet Magician Taranza/Star Allies Arrangement ver. 167 4-32 Taranza HAL Room
The Noble Haltmann — Star Allies Arrangement 銀河に名立たるハルトマン/スターアライズ アレンジ ver. Famous in the Galaxy: Haltmann/Star Allies Arrangement ver. 168 4-33 Susie HAL Room
Fortress of Shadows: Jambastion! — Star Allies Arrangement 暗黒ようさいジャマハルダ!/スターアライズ アレンジ ver. Shadow Fortress Jamaharuda!/Star Allies Arrangement ver. 169 4-34 The Three Mage-Sisters HAL Room
Venturing into the World with Allies フレンズとせかいをだいぼうけん Great Adventure Around the World with Friends 159 4-35 Guest Star Checkpoint
Otherwordly Warrior (Kirby's Return to Dream Land) 異世界からの戦士(星のカービィ Wii) Warrior from Another World (Kirby's Return to Dream Land) 170 4-36 Galacta Knight
Guest Star ???? Cleared / Grand Sun Stone (Kirby: Triple Deluxe) 星の〇〇〇〇クリア/グランドサンストーン(星のカービィ トリプルデラックス) ???? of the Stars Clear/Grand Sun Stone (Kirby: Triple Deluxe) 171 4-37 Guest Star ???? Star Allies Go! Clear
Green Stories (Team Kirby Clash Deluxe) グリーンストーリーズ(みんなで!カービィハンターズZ) Green Stories (Everyone! Kirby Hunters Z) 172 4-38 Guest Star Results
Best Friends, Today, Tomorrow, and Forever 明日からもずっと、ベストフレンズ。 From Tomorrow Onwards, Best Friends. 184 4-39 Friends' Curtain Call
The Adventure Begins — Original Short Ver. ぼうけんのはじまり/オリジナル ショート ver. The Adventure Begins/Original Short ver. 185 4-40 Guest Star ???? Star Heroes Title
Your Preferred Spiciness for the Ultimate Choice お好み究極チョイス味 Your Ultimate Choice of Taste 198 5-01 The Ultimate Choice
Vs. Waddle Tank (Kirby's Return to Dream Land) VS. ワドタンク(星のカービィ Wii) VS. Wado Tank (Kirby Wii) 199 5-02 Vs. Mid-Boss All-Stars 1
Blazing! Boss Battle (Kirby's Return to Dream Land) 白熱!ボスバトル(星のカービィ Wii) White Heat! Boss Battle (Kirby Wii) 200 5-03 Vs. Mid-Boss All-Stars 2
Bouncing Boss Battle (Kirby: Triple Deluxe) とびだせ!奥へ手前へボスバトル(星のカービィ トリプルデラックス) Jump Out! Boss Battle to the Back and to the Front (Kirby: Triple Deluxe) 201 5-04 Vs. Mid-Boss All-Stars 1 Soul Melter (EX)
Vs. The Wicked Company VS. 悪のカンパニー(星のカービィ ロボボプラネット) VS. The Wicked Company 202 5-05 Vs. Mid-Boss All-Stars 2 Soul Melter (EX)
History of Dedede (Kirby Fighters Deluxe) ヒストリー オブ デデデ(カービィファイターズZ) History of Dedede (Kirby Fighters Z) 203 5-06 Vs. King Dedede (Soul Melter)/Parallel Dedede (Soul Melter EX)
Inner Struggle (Kirby: Planet Robobot) 己が精神との闘い(星のカービィ ロボボプラネット) Struggle of My Mind (Kirby: Robobot Planet) 204 5-07 Vs. Meta Knight (Soul Melter)/Parallel Meta Knight (Soul Melter EX)
A Decisive Battle with Mighty Bosses (Kirby's Blowout Blast) 強大なボスとの決戦(カービィのすいこみ大作戦) A Decisive Battle with a Mighty Boss (Kirby's Great Suction Offensive) 205 5-08 Vs. Goldon & Silvox Soul Melter (EX)
Ordeal: Save This Kingdom! (Team Kirby Clash Deluxe) すくえキングダム!しれんクエスト(みんなで!カービィハンターズZ) Save the Kingdom! Ordeal Quest (Everyone! Kirby Hunters Z) 206 5-09 Vs. Kracko (Soul Melter)
Ordeal: Save This World! (Team Kirby Clash Deluxe) このせかいをすくえ!しれんクエスト(みんなで!カービィハンターズZ) Save This World! Ordeal Quest (Everyone! Kirby Hunters Z) 207 5-10 Vs. Twin Kracko (Soul Melter)/Parallel Twin Kracko (Soul Melter EX)
Defeat (Kirby's Dream Land) ヤラレ(星のカービィ) Defeat (Kirby) 222 5-11 The Ultimate Choice Defeat
Broken Heart (Kirby: Planet Robobot) 折れた心(星のカービィ ロボボプラネット) Broken Heart (Kirby: Robobot Planet) 223 5-12 Soul Melter EX defeat
The Road is Long... / The True Arena (Kirby: Triple Deluxe) みちはながいぞ…/真 格闘王への道(星のカービィ トリプルデラックス) The Road is Long.../The True Road to the Fighting King (Kirby: Triple Deluxe) 224 5-13
Max Happy Town! (Team Kirby Clash Deluxe) マックスハッピータウン!!(みんなで!カービィハンターズZ) Max Happy Town!! (Everyone! Kirby Hunters Z) 225 5-14 Soul Melter Results
Heroes in Another Dimension アナザーディメンションヒーローズ Another Dimension Heroes 186 5-15 Heroes in Another Dimension Title
The Legend of Last World 188 5-16 Dimension I/II/III/IV/Final Dimension
Interdimensional Fanfare (Kirby's Return to Dream Land) 異空間ファンファーレ(星のカービィ Wii) Another Dimension Fanfare (Kirby Wii) 187 5-17 Enter Dimensional Rift
The Dimension to Win 異空をかけた戦い Battle in Strange Space 189 5-18 Vs. Parallel Woods/Big Kracko
For Heroes, a Spear of the Heat / Dimensional Silence (Kirby's Return to Dream Land) 英雄は心の槍に/異空の静寂(星のカービィ Wii) Spear of the Heart for Heroes/Silence of Strange Space (Kirby's Return to Dream Land) 190 5-19 Heart Spear Released
Kirby Ever After めでたしカービィ Kirby Ever After 191 5-20 Heroes in Another Dimension Results
To the Deep / Distant Halcandra (Kirby's Return to Dream Land) 遥か底へ/遥かなるハルカンドラ(星のカービィ Wii) To the Depths/Distant Halcandra (Kirby Wii) 192 5-21 Heroes in Another Dimension Boss Preparation Room
Against the Sword-King, the Dimension to Win 異空をかけた剣王との戦い Battle with the Sword-King in Strange Space 193 5-22 Vs. Parallel Meta Knight/Dedede
THE END...? THE END…? THE END...? 194 5-23 Heroes in Another Dimension Fake Ending
Bandana Waddle Dee's Here! バンダナワドルディが、きたよ! Bandana Waddle Dee is Here! 129 5-24 Summon Bandana Waddle Dee
King Dedede 's on the Scene! デデデ大王さまが、きてやったぜ! King Dedede is Approaching! 130 5-25 Summon King Dedede
Meet Up with Meta Knight! メタナイト見参! Meta Knight Appears! 131 5-26 Summon Meta Knight
Rick & Kine & Coo Gather! リック&カイン&クー大集合っ! Rick & Kine & Coo Gather! 132 5-27 Summon Rick & Kine & Coo
Hey, Hey, it's Marx! ヘイ、ヘイ、マルクがやってきたのサ! Hey, Hey, Marx Came Around! 133 5-28 Summon Marx
Where'd Gooey Come From? ひょっこりグーイ! Unexpectedly, Gooey! 134 5-29 Summon Gooey
Sorry We're Late—It's Adeleine & Ribbon! おまたせ!アドレーヌ&リボン Sorry to Have Kept You Waiting! Adeleine & Ribbon 135 5-30 Summon Adeleine & Ribbon
Dark Meta Knight...Revealed! ダークメタナイト…現る! Dark Meta Knight...Appears! 136 5-31 Summon Dark Meta Knight
Daroach Comes Calling! 参上、ドロッチェ! Calling on, Daroach! 137 5-32 Summon Daroach
Bravo! Magolor Is Here! ブラボー!マホロアがキテアゲタヨォ Bravo! Magolor Is Coming  138 5-33 Summon Magolor
They Can't Hide from Taranza! タランザが、おみとおしなのねっ! Taranza Sees Through You! 139 5-34 Summon Taranza
Susie's Ready to Exterminate! 秘書スージー、くじょいたします! Secretary Susie Will Exterminate! 140 5-35 Summon Susie
Oracles of the Threefold Glint 三叉一閃の巫の熱情 Passion of the Oracles of the Three-Way Glint 195 5-36 Vs. The Three Mage-Sisters
Memories of the Great Finale だいだんえんの、おもいでたち。 Memories of the Great Finale. 196 5-37 Happiest Ending Cutscene
A Hero's Nap ゆうしゃおひるね A Hero's Nap 197 5-38 Heroes in Another Dimension Perfect
The Three Mage-Sisters Return...The Favor! 三魔官シスターズ、恩義を…返す! The Three Magic General Sisters, Favor...Returned! 141 5-39 Summon The Three Mage-Sisters
Butterfly of Judgement: Morpho Knight 審判の夢見鳥:バルフレイナイト Butterfly of Judgement: Balfrey Knight 173 6-01 Vs. Morpho Knight
Battle of Nightmares ナイトメアーズバトル Nightmare's Battle 174 6-02 Vs. Morpho Knight (Bandana Waddle Dee/King Dedede/Meta Knight as Player 1)
Dark & Cloudy ダーククラウディ Dark Cloudy 175 6-03 Vs. Morpho Knight (Rick & Kine & Coo as Player 1)
Vs. Marx — Star Allies Dream Ver. VS. マルク/スターアライズ ドリーム ver. VS. Marx/Star Allies Dream ver. 176 6-04 Vs. Morpho Knight (Marx as Player 1)
Dark Matter in the Hyper Zone ダークマター イン ザ ハイパーゾーン Dark Matter in the Hyper Zone 177 6-05 Vs. Morpho Knight (Gooey as Player 1)
The Girls Who Fought the Darkness おとめたちのやみとのたたかい The Girls' Battle With Darkness 178 6-06 Vs. Morpho Knight (Adeleine & Ribbon as Player 1)
Dark Mirage ダークミラージュ Dark Mirage 179 6-07 Vs. Morpho Knight (Dark Meta Knight as Player 1)
True Squeak Squad Theme 真!ドロッチェ団のテーマ True! Daroach Gang Theme 180 6-08 Vs. Morpho Knight (Daroach as Player 1)
Supreme Ruler's Coronation - OVERLORD 覇王戴冠 ~OVERLORD~ Supreme Ruler Coronation ~OVERLORD~ 181 6-09 Vs. Morpho Knight (Magolor as Player 1)
Phantom of the Moon Soul 月魄のファントム Phantom of the Moon Soul 182 6-10 Vs. Morpho Knight (Taranza as Player 1)
A Deux Ex Machina from Childhood 幼き日に視たデウス・エクス・マキナ Experienced Deux Ex Machina Very Young 183 6-11 Vs. Morpho Knight (Susie as Player 1)
Roar of Destruction 破の咆哮 Roar of Destruction 214 6-12 Void Termina (1st Form) sound effects
Suite: The Star-Conquering Traveler (Movement 1: Star Crushing Whimsy) 組曲:星羅征く旅人 第一楽章:星砕きの戯れ Suite: The Star Conquering Traveler (First Movement: Star Crushing Fun) 215 6-13 Vs. Void Termina (1st Form)
The Cocoon's Echoing Response 繭の響応 The Cocoon's Echoing Response 216 6-14 Void Termina (2nd Form) sound effects
Suite: The Star Conquering Traveler (Movement 2: Vessel of the Embryo) 組曲:星羅征く旅人 第二楽章:胚子の器 Suite: The Star Conquering Traveler (Second Movement: Vessel of the Embryo) 217 6-15 Vs. Void Termina (2nd Form)
Heavenly Wailing 天の慟哭 Heavenly Wailing 218 6-16 Void Termina (3rd Form) sound effects
Suite: The Star-Conquering Traveler (Movement 3: Wings of Sorrow and the Heavens) 組曲:星羅征く旅人 第三楽章:哀と渾天の翼 Suite: The Star Conquering Traveler (Third Movement: Wings of Sorrow and the Heavens) 219 6-17 Vs. Void Termina (3rd Form)
Sounds of Chaos 混沌の鳴 Sounds of Chaos 220 6-18 Void Termina (4th Form)/Void Soul/Void sound effects
Suite: The Star-Conquering Traveler (Movement 4: The Birth of Hope) 組曲:星羅征く旅人 第四楽章:生誕の希望 Suite: The Star Conquering Traveler (Fourth Movement: The Hope of Birth) 221 6-19 Vs. Void Termina (4th Form)/Void Soul
Kirby Perfection! カービィパーフェクト! Kirby Perfect! 233 6-20 Soul Melter EX Results
Drawcia Soul — Star Allies Short Ver. (Kirby: Canvas Curse) ドロシア ソウル/スターアライズ ショート ver.(タッチ!カービィ) Drawcia Soul/Star Allies Short ver. (Touch! Kirby) 208 6-21 Soul Melter EX Rest Area Before Francisca, Flamberge, and Zan Partizanne
Heavy Lobster (Kirby Super Star Ultra) ヘビーロブスター(星のカービィ ウルトラスーパーデラックス) Heavy Lobster (Kirby Ultra Super Deluxe) 209 6-22 Soul Melter EX Rest Area Before Parallel Meta Knight
Dangerous Dinner (Kirby's Return to Dream Land) デンジャラスディナー(星のカービィ Wii) Dangerous Dinner (Kirby Wii) 210 6-23 Soul Melter EX Rest Area Before Parallel Dedede
Revenge of the Enemy (Kirby: Triple Deluxe) リベンジ オブ エネミー(星のカービィ トリプルデラックス) Revenge of Enemy (Kirby: Triple Deluxe) 211 6-24 Soul Melter EX Rest Area Before Corrupt Hyness
Fatal Error (Kirby: Planet Robobot) Fatal Error(星のカービィ ロボボプラネット) Fatal Error (Kirby: Robobot Planet) 212 6-25 Soul Melter EX Rest Area Before The Three Mage-Sisters
Aeon Corridors 淵源を巡る回廊 Corridor Around the Origin 213 6-26 Soul Melter EX Rest Area Before Void Termina
Suite: The Star Conquering Traveler (Closing Movement: The Twinkling Star) 組曲:星羅征く旅人 最終楽章:煌めき星 Suite: The Star Conquering Traveler (Closing Movement: The Twinkling Star) 227 6-27 VS. Void
STAR ARISE 228 6-28 Void defeated
Let Them Know We're Happy 「幸せ」だと伝えて Tell Them We're Happy 229 6-29 Let Them Know We're Happy Celebration Picture
Bad Boss Brothers バッドボスブラザーズ Bad Boss Brothers 230 6-30 Bad Boss Brothers Celebration Picture
A Farewell to Kirby: He of the Future-Traveling Stars さよならカービィ:未来行く星のひと Farewell Kirby: He of the Future-Traveling Stars 231 6-31 A Farewell to Kirby Celebration Picture
Kirby Dance (Kirby's Dream Land) カービィダンス(星のカービィ) Kirby Dance (Kirby) 122 6-32 Goal Game 30 1-Ups
Green Greens グリーングリーンズ Green Greens 232 6-33 100% Complete

*Songs that aren't on Nintendo Music are given names translated from the Kirby Star Allies Original Soundtrack


