This article contains content derived from Japanese | (Edit | Similar) |
...because it was never localized to English in official sources. |
This article's title is derived from Japanese | (Edit | Similar) |
...because it was never localized to English in official sources. |
“ | That singing is sickening!” |
— Escargoon when Kirby sings his reprise of Kihon wa Maru • Abusement Park |
"Hoshi no Kirby" first ending v1
"Kihon wa Maru" (きほんはまる, First draw a circle) was the original Japanese ending credits theme to Kirby: Right Back at Ya!. This was changed in later episodes with "Kirby ★ Step!". The song was sung by Xiang Qi, who also sang the intro theme, "Kirby ★ March". The song teaches viewers how to draw Kirby and King Dedede's head.
きほん は まる
きほん は まる
まるかいて まる
まるかいて まる
ごまかいて まる
ごまかいて まる
みぎにちょっと まる
ひだりにちょっと まる
したのこっちにも まる
したのあっちにも まる
さんかくおにぎりで むむっ
はんたいおにぎりで にこっ
カービィ はらペこだあ
きほんは まる
きほんは まる
たまご かいて まる
たまご かいて まる
たまごに ごま まる
まるじゃなくて ぐにゃ
ぴよよよよんの ぐにゃ
まんなか ペたん おまんじゅう
ちょうながい まる
ちょうながい まる
うえに ちょっとの まる
やっぱ さいごは まる
デデデは やってくる
きほんは まる
きほんは まる
kihon wa maru
kihon wa maru
maru kaite maru
maru kaite maru
goma kaite maru
goma kaite maru
migi ni chotto maru
hidari ni chotto maru
shita no kocchi ni mo maru
shita no acchi ni mo maru
sankaku ongiri de mumuu
hantai onigiri de nikoo
kaabii harapeko daa
kihon wa maru
kihon wa maru
tamago kaite maru
tamago kaite maru
tamago ni goma maru
tamago ni goma maru
maru ja nakute gunya
biyoyoyoyon no gunya
mannaka petan omanjuu
chounagai maru chounagai maru
ue ni chotto no maru
yappa saigo wa maru
dedede wa yattekuru
First you draw a circle
A circle in a circle
A circle in a circle
A sesame-shaped circle
A little circle on the right
A little circle on the left
A circle under here
A circle under there
A triangle like a rice ball
An upside-down triangle like a smile
Good morning!
Kirby is hungry
First you draw a circle
An egg-shaped circle
An egg-shaped circle
A sesame-shape in an egg
A limp circle shape
A curvy line
A bun-shape in the middle
A really long circle, a really long circle
A little circle above
And finally, still a circle
I promise
- In the episode Abusement Park, Kirby gets the Mike ability and sings this song with a little "poyo accent" at the part of King Dedede's "karaoke contest". During his attempt to do so, a sad-sounding musical horn effect can be heard. Kirby's vocals were retained and separated from the overlapping Japanese cast in the dub but with a different song as the background tune and the English cast participating in it for their lines.
- The song, particularly the second verse, was sung by Kirby, Tuff and his friends when they were painting the wall at the start of ENeMeE Elementary, in the Japanese version.
- The title and first lines of "Kihon wa Maru" are likely a reference to the intro of Kirby's Adventure.
- "Kihon wa Maru" is referenced in the Japanese version of the 30th Anniversary wallpaper with the image of Kirby holding dolls of Tiff and Tuff, the image itself being an allusion to the anime.
Media Links[]
- Download
- Full Version of the Video song
- Kirby singing Kihon wa Maru in English - in the episode Abusement Park. (YouTube)
- Kirby singing Kihon wa Maru in Japanese - in the episode Abusement Park. (YouTube)
- Photo's of Xiang Qi's live performance of the song at Nintendo Space World 2001 (Wayback Machine)