This article's title is derived from Japanese | (Edit | Similar) |
...because it was never localized to English in official sources. |
Ice Dice is an enemy in the Kirby series, debuting in Kirby Mass Attack.
Physical Appearance[]
Ice Dice is a small, blue reptilian creature with a pig-like snout and a crocodilian face. It has four protruding sharp teeth, two large shiny blue eyes, a large purple tongue, four round scales jutting down its back, and a small tail with a ball at the end. Ice Dice has two short, stubby legs with two claws each. On the top of its head, Ice Dice has two white horns that are slightly curled up.
Kirby Mass Attack[]
Ice Dice appears exclusively in Stage 8 of Dedede Resort. The enemy is stationary and it occasionally spits out ice blocks at the Kirbys, which push the heroes backwards if they are not destroyed. Ice Dice does this at regular intervals, usually at a fast pace. The enemy is sometimes placed next to fruit (notably Maxim Tomatoes), prompting the player to collect them before they are squished by ice blocks. Ice Dice's blocks serve as a minor threat, as they can crush Kirbys against walls, instantly KOing them.
A large variant of Ice Dice known as Ice Dinos also appears in the game. It spits much larger ice blocks than regular Ice Dice does.
- Ice Dice's artwork is mostly bluish-turquoise with a purple tongue and white horns. Its sprite, however, has its nose, tongue, horns, scales, and the end of its tail all a purplish-pink.

- A non-elemental, orange variant of Ice Dice that could possibly have spat out Star Blocks was going to be included in the game. Ice Dinos also has an unused non-elemental variant.