Honey is an average yellow Cappy with rosy cheeks. She wears no clothes at all and has two pigtails tied by blue hair ties with two orange beads on each of them. Her hair is the same color as her skin.
The youngest and smallest of the Cappy children, she follows everything Tuff, Spikehead, and Iro do and, likewise, goes along with their many acts of mischief, although she seems to be the most innocent one of the trio, since whenever she and her friends commit pranks, she hopes that her parents won't know. She is shown to be somewhat clingy with Tuff at times.
"Honey" can be an affectionate or familiar term of address used for children or romantic partners, of which Honey is the former.
Honey's Japanese name, ハニー (Hanī), additonally appears to be derived from the second pair of syllables of the Japanese poem いろは (Iroha), はに (Hani); Spikehead's and Iro's Japanese names similarly appear to be derived from the poem.
In Scare Tactics - Part I, it is suggested that Honey might have a crush on Tuff; this is evident when Buttercup says that one of the children may find their future husband on the Fright Night the adult Cappys planned.