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Each time Kirby hits an Egg it cracks, and finally becomes a Chick.
— Kirby's Pinball Land instruction manual

Hatched Chick (Egg and Chick in Kirby's Pinball Land, and Crack-Tweet in Kirby's Dream Land 2) is an enemy in the Kirby series, debuting in Kirby's Pinball Land. It yields no Copy Ability when Inhaled.

Physical Appearance[]

Hatched Chick is a yellow chick with an orange beak, small beady black eyes, and three strands of feather on its head. It is often hidden inside an egg.


Kirby's Pinball Land[]

In the top stage of Poppy Brothers' Land, three Hatched Chick eggs sit in the middle of the stage. Three Poppy Bros. Jrs. wander out of doorways in the ceiling toward the eggs. Kirby's goal is to hit each egg four times, and thus break all the Hatched Chicks out of them. If a Poppy Bros. Jr. reaches an egg, he'll replace it with a new, undamaged one and scurry back to his door. Kirby can send these enemies back through their doors by hitting them before they cause trouble.

Once all the Hatched Chicks are free, they enter the doorways. They quickly rush back out with an apple, bomb, and black Warp Star in tow. They flee back into the doorways and start the cycle all over again if Kirby doesn't act fast. Touching the Warp Star takes Kirby to the boss, Poppy Bros. Sr.. If Kirby has beaten King Dedede at least once when he breaks out all the Hatched Chicks, the sound of the Mike item from Kirby's Dream Land sounds and a sprite of Axe Knight appears where the middle egg was.

Kirby's Dream Land 2[]

Crack-Tweet hops around inside its egg. The eggshell can be destroyed in a number ways: It can be inhaled, attacked with Star Spit, or hit with a Copy Ability. The egg can even break if it falls from a great height. When the enemy hatches, it flies away from Kirby.

This is the only game where Crack-Tweet and its egg can be inhaled, as the other games it appears in are spin-offs.

Kirby's Block Ball[]

Hatched Chick appears as an enemy in Stage 9. It flies back and forth and drops food when defeated.

Kirby's Toy Box[]

Hatched Chick appears in Kirby's Toy Box - Pinball. Its egg sits in the upper left-hand corner of the board. Each time Kirby passes over it, it cracks more. After four passes, the egg completely breaks and Hatched Chick flees off the left side of the screen. The egg then returns, allowing Kirby to break it all over again.


Hatched Chick's name comes from the fact that it is a chick that is still in or recently has hatched from its egg.

"Crack-Tweet" comes from the cracked eggshell and "tweet", the sound most small birds make.


Similar Enemies[]



