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A Fruit Fragment is a collectible item in Kirby's Return to Dream Land Deluxe found in the Magolor Epilogue: The Interdimensional Traveler sub-game. It is a piece of a Gem Apple Seed that contains immense magical power; Magolor seeks the Fragments out so he can recover his abilities after being beaten by Kirby.


A Fruit Fragment appears to be a giant apple slice with a crystalline appearance to its blue-green skin. Its upper half is adorned with two thin golden filaments, and it emits a bright light that can form a bubble around it when encountered in the field. Multiple Fruit Fragments appear to react with each other on the Ethereal Altar, floating in a slowly rotating formation resembling a slightly disassembled Gem Apple.


Kirby's Return to Dream Land Deluxe[]

Following the Master Crown incident, Magolor finds himself severely weakened and lost in Another Dimension. After exploring his surroundings, he is attacked by several enemies, culminating in a giant Dippa with a strange aura. Upon defeat, the Dippa releases the first Fruit Fragment, which restores some of Magolor's lost power before moving to the Eternal Altar; thus, Magolor sets out to find more Fruit Fragments in hopes of returning to his former glory.

All of the Fruit Fragments beyond the first are found at the end of a level in Magolor Epilogue: The Interdimensional Traveler, guarded by a powerful boss. After defeating the boss, Magolor can claim the Fruit Fragment they guarded, sending it to the Eternal Altar while gaining new Magical Abilities:

  • The first Fruit Fragment (acquired from the giant Dippa in the opening stage) unlocks Magic Bomb.
  • The second Fruit Fragment is found in the Aerogree Dimension, guarded by Electricky Dooter. Claiming it gives Magolor access to two new Magical Abilities: Magolor Surge and Magolor Cannon.
  • The third Fruit Fragment is held by Fiery Puffer in the Pyred Dimension. Once obtained, it gives Magolor the ability to perform Dimensional Vanish.
  • The fourth Fruit Fragment lies in the Poseiblu Dimension. If Magolor can defeat Hydriath, he will earn the Fruit Fragment and regain his Black Hole ability.
  • The fifth and final Fruit Fragment is found in the Locandra Dimension. Unlike the others, it is separated into four pieces, each held by one of the Rampaging Doomers; however, it automatically reassembles itself when they are defeated. It doesn't unlock new Magical Abilities on its own; instead, it increases the upgrade limits for all of Magolor's skills, allowing him to increase their potency even further than before.

Once all five Fruit Fragments are collected, they combine into a Gem Apple Seed.


  • The Fruit Fragments serve as a counterpart to the lost parts of the Lor Starcutter in the Story Mode of Kirby's Return to Dream Land and Kirby's Return to Dream Land Deluxe, being pieces of a powerful mystical item that must be assembled for Magolor's use.

