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Cannon DAuJLJbVYAER17h This article contains information that does not coincide with the main series canon. (Similar)

That is eNeMeE's home base. The super-structure is the size of a small planet.
— Meta Knight • Cappy Town Down

eNeMeE's Fortress (referred to as Nightmare's Fortress) is a large space station located 900 light years away from Planet Popstar. It is home to the evil eNeMeE and headquarters for his company, Nightmare Enterprises. According to what Sword Knight says in Cappy Town Down, the fortress is where all of Nightmare's monsters and other inventions are born. The fortress' first appearance was also in said episode.

The fortress is surrounded by many Destroyas, all of which protect the fortress inside and out. Its exterior is covered in structures and skyscrapers, as well as many gun turrets and many trenches. Its distinctive, huge red eyeball on its front looks strikingly like Zero's.

The interior is futuristic, with many trenches, elevators and monorail-like trolleys. Not only is the interior protected by Destroyas, but also by laser guns and Air Riders. At the heart of the fortress' interior lies the command center, where the members of Nightmare Enterprises control the fortress. The command center is also where they, most specifically the N.M.E. Sales Guy, deliver monsters and other items to their customers from. The fortress has many locations besides the command center, among them the Monster Training School and Nightmare's chess board-like lair.

The fortress was finally destroyed at the end when Kirby's crew planted a time bomb on the monster transmitter within the command center, which detonated not long after all of the crew escaped together, which blew up the whole fortress from the inside. As the fortress exploded, the N.M.E. Sales Guy can be heard screaming (this was edited out of the dub), suggesting that he did not survive the blast. The fortress' destruction, marks the end for Nightmare Enterprises, meaning King Dedede no longer has any way to buy himself more monsters for whatever reason.

Related Quotes[]

It's a flying fortress built just for battle.
— Sword Knight • Cappy Town Down
That's where all of eNeMeE's monsters are born. And right now, they're plotting their final attack.
— Sword Knight • Cappy Town Down
Sword Knight: The signal's coming from up there.
Gus: Must be the command center.
Dr. Yabui: That's where they control the fortress.
— The halberd's crew describing the fortress' command center • Fright to the Finish


  • The fortress has several references to the Star Wars franchise:
    • The fortress itself references the two Death Stars and Star Destroyers.
    • The Halberd flying along the trenches of the fortress' exterior is a reference to the original Star Wars, where rebel pilots flew across the Death Star's trench to fire into the thermal exhaust port.
    • The fortress' exterior also bears resemblance to Cloud City, which debuted in The Empire Strikes Back.
    • The fortress' destruction was similar to the Death Star II's destruction in Return of the Jedi. The explosions were triggered when the fortress's command center was blown up, similar to how the Millenium Falcon blew up the Death Star II's reactor. However, the fortress command center was blown up by a planted bomb, while Lando Calrissian, the Millenium Falcon's pilot, shot the Death Star II's reactor from the inside.

See also[]
