Kirby Wiki
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Bigger Beanbon is a large enemy in the Kirby series, debuting in Kirby Mass Attack.

Physical Appearance[]

Bigger Beanbon is a monstrous version of Beanbon, and is the next step up from the already large Big Beanbon. Aside from its size, Bigger Beanbon sports several differences in appearance that set it apart from a regular Beanbon: It has a constantly furrowed brow and sunken-in eyes, spotted feet resembling mushrooms, slightly torn leaves, and a massive chin. Whereas regular Beanbons display a look of curiosity, this one is constantly grimacing.


Kirby Mass Attack[]

Unlike other enemies introduced in this game, Bigger Beanbon is exclusive to the sub-games. It appears in Kirby Quest as one of the foes the Kirbys fight. If they miss with their attack, Bigger Beanbon shoots explosive coconuts at the Kirbys. Three Bigger Beanbons also appear in Strato Patrol EOS during the battle against Whispy Woods.


