This article's title is derived from Japanese | (Edit | Similar) |
...because it was never localized to English in official sources. |
Awadoron is an enemy in the Kirby series, debuting in Kirby Mass Attack.
Physical Appearance[]
Awadoron is an orange clam with purple eyes. It has many similar looks to that of a regular clam.
Kirby Mass Attack[]
Awadoron appears exclusively in Stages 4 and 10 of Volcano Valley. It does not do any harm to Kirbys. When approached, it awakens and flees slowly. The enemy releases an air bubble each time a Kirby is flicked into it. The enemy cracks slightly with each hit, and after sustaining a great number of them, it shatters, leaving behind a collection of air bubbles. When Awadoron reaches a certain distance from the Kirbys, it laughs and swims out of view.
The Kirbys must use its air bubbles in order to survive certain pools of murky water.
Its name, アワドロン (Awadoron), comes from the Japanese word for bubbles, 泡 (awa), which is what it expels when a Kirby collides with it; and the Japanese word for mud, 泥 (doro), referencing that it only appears in murky water.