Kirby Wiki
Bio Spark Star Allies This article's title is derived from Japanese (Edit | Similar)
...because it was never localized to English in official sources.

Armoroid is an enemy in the Kirby series, debuting in Kirby's Return to Dream Land Deluxe. It yields the Mecha ability when inhaled.

Physical Appearance[]

Armoroid has a black head with blue eyes and an orange helmet on top of its head. Two green floating mitts appear by its sides, acting as hands. On its shoulders is a pair of dual cannons.


Kirby's Return to Dream Land Deluxe[]

Armoroid hovers about on its own, but if one spots a player, it attacks by firing lasers from its blaster cannons or by throwing out fireball mortars by opening its helmet.


Its Japanese name, アーマロイド (Āmaroido), is a portmanteau of the Copy Ability it gives, Armor (アーマー Āmā), which is the Japanese name for Mecha; and "android" (アンドロイド andoroido) or simply "droid," referencing its robotic appearance.


  • Armoroid's body is somewhat reminiscent of Susie's, being a limbless creature with a clear division between its head and body, floating hands, no mouth, and blue eyes.

